Neighborhood Christmas Search-and-Find!

Have you done the neighborhood Christmas Search-and-Find yet? There are ten symbols of Christmas displayed at homes across the neighborhood. Go find them all, sign the log books, and post a picture in the comments!

This has been a lot of fun for families in the neighborhood so far. Send your kids, grandkids, husbands, & teenagers out!

Get the list of symbols to find here:


Week 3 of our Neighborhood Christmas Events is here!

Text ORCHARD to 66599 for mobile reminders

Christmas Traditions Demonstrations

Join the Virtual Activity!

Tuesday, December 15th 7pm

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 889 6821 9441
Passcode: 333

An evening of sharing Christmas baking traditions from you and your neighbors. Friends will share their favorite holiday recipes, where they came from, and why they love them.

The actual "how to" class will be pre-recorded and available for ward members to watch here on the blog. The recipes will also be available in advance.

The activity will be a live Zoom call where the presenters tell about what they made and what it means to their family and answer any questions people may have.

Lemon Sugar Cut-out Cookies - Jill Johnson

Chocolate Dipping - Julia Sim

Strawberry Caramels - Julia Sim

Peanut Brittle - Steven Day

Previously highlighted videos:

  • Ukrainian Pierogi - Jeff Novack
Get the recipe here

  • Finnish Pulla - Faye Wade
Get the recipe here

Coming up:

Tuesday, December 15th 7pm

  • Lemon Cut-out Sugar Cookies - Jill Johnson
  • Chocolates and Caramels - Julia Sim
  • Honeycomb Peanut Brittle - Steven Day

If you have a special treat you'd like to share this month, please reach out to Amy Gates

Don't forget to take a few minutes today and consider how you can participate in the charitable giving opportunities in our neighborhood!

Special Note:
In addition to the other donation drives we're doing this next week we have some families in need in our ward. In lieu of donating specific items to our fellow ward members, please consider a monetary donation to our ward’s "Sub for Santa".

You can do so by dropping off check or cash to Bishop Webster's home. Checks can be made out to the Orchard Seventh Ward. Contact Bishop Webster if you have any questions - (801-678-2967)

Bountiful Food Pantry
Drop non-perishable food in black boxes around the ward

Road Home Shelter
Need new or used winter clothing

Safe Harbor Women’s Center
Donate new items for Sub-for-Santa

Davis County Animal Shelter
Need all kinds of pet care items

Follow the link for details!

Week 1 of our Neighborhood Christmas Events has started!

Text ORCHARD to 66599 for mobile reminders

Click to download the PDF