Sacrament Program 1-31-2020



Sacrament Meeting

January 31, 2020

Presiding..........Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................239   "Choose the Right"

Invocation...........Merilyn Hammond

Stake and Ward Business

Testimonies.......... Everyone is invited

Closing Hymn.................237   "Do What is Right"

Benediction...........Connor Koehler


Sacrament Hymn.......................170  "God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray"

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Primary Virtual Singing Time- January: "Family History- I Am Doing It"

 Dear Primary Children and Families!

I'm excited (and nervous) to share this video with you all!  I hope this will be helpful for you as it will correlate some with Come Follow Me lessons throughout the month.    

The song being taught in this month's video is "Family History--I Am Doing It."  The music can be found HERE on the Church's website. Click on the blue headphones icon in the bottom right of the screen and a player will pop up at the bottom so you can listen to it.    
*Another song that goes with the Come Follow Me lesson this week is "Families Can Be Together Forever."  Both songs bring to mind the importance of the spirit of Elijah the Prophet which "shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers..." Singing hymns is a great way to invite the Spirit into our Come Follow Me lessons.  

HERE is a link to this week's Primary Come Follow Me lesson.  At the end of that lesson, you'll see the family tree page I first showed in the video.  

Each family will soon be receiving a physical song help.  It is a paper copy of a "family tree" and 4 small cards with word prompts to help your children learn the first verse of the song.  These can also be colored by your children to make them extra beautiful.  After cutting out the four cards, they should place them on the "family tree" as they sing each phrase.  It's nothing extravagant, but I hope it helps my primary friends know I am thinking about them and miss them!  

The plan is to post a new singing time video once a month.  You will receive a song help every other month.  This information can also be found in your emails! 

With Love,
-Laura Webster (Primary Chorister)