Ward Conference - Second Hour

We are blessed to have our Stake leaders joining us this Sunday as part of our Ward Conference. In addition to Bishop Webster speaking, President Farnes will be addressing us during Sacrament meeting.  As usual, this link is  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbII1HC4LwEijChk_93DMDQ 

To participate in the 2nd hour meetings, held virtually at 11 am, please click on the following hyperlinks which correspond to you. Pay close attention, as the Young Women's link is new:

Elder's Quorumhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88401176470?pwd=R3NpbHppSmdqajF1RVhPcnB0Nk1Qdz09

Young Women -  meet.google.com/wcs-ynhv-jav

Aaronic Priesthoodhttps://octanner.zoom.us/j/95419850676?pwd=R3QyVTFjbU5VTmN0WXJwTnRLNmFIQT09