
 Stake Youth Summer Activity:

For those of you with youth ages 14-18, I hope by now you have heard about the Summer activity sponsored by the Stake. They have named it “Magnify” and will be held within the general area of our Stake to include North Canyon Park.

Here are the details; some will be new, others may be familiar…and there will be more to come!

-  Sunday May 23; 7:00 pm:  Magnify Kick-Off Event

-  Parents and youth invited

-  Magnify Event July 8, 9, 10 (Thursday-Saturday) 9am-7pm each day

Parents, please respond by May 9th to let me know if your child age 14-18 will be able to attend the July event.


Graduating High School Seniors:

At the end of the last school year our ward and neighborhood came together and graciously provided lovely graduation gift baskets for our graduating seniors. I’d like to do this again this year. Our graduates are as follows:

-          Hannah Kossin

-          Daniel Lish

-          Nikki Skenandore

-          Jayden Southam

-          Jagger West

If you’d like to participate, please drop off your gift to my home (3435 S 200 W) no later than Monday May 24th.


Orchard Stake General Priesthood Meeting:

Brethren, please put this on your calendar… June 6th at 3:15 pm. More information will be provided as it gets closer.