Primary - Return to 2nd Hour

Hello Friends,

We are very excited to be returning to in person classes with primary! We begin this Sunday, May 16. Sacrament will be at 9:00 am. We are keeping the same schedule as before for the second hour. Junior primary will meet first in the primary room and then go to their class. Senior primary will meet in their classroom and then go to the primary room. We will make necessary adjustments to the schedule after we experience it this Sunday. 

We will have class lists posted on the classroom door. We are still in process of calling teachers so some kids will have substitutes until we are able to complete the process. You are able to see class lists and teachers online at the churches website.

This is not so good news so please be gentle with me. Nursery will not be returning immediately. We have been asked to do a 2 step return. First step, return primary children to classes. Step 2, return nursery within a month. We are working out logistics to make this happen as soon as possible. We understand how difficult this will be as parents. 

Safety measures we are taking:

1. Masks should be worn

2. CDC has changed the distance from 6 feet to 3 feet. We will arrange chairs accordingly.

3. We have a kit for each classroom with tissues, hand sanitizer and disinfecting spray.

 Please contact Kelly Kump at 801.960.7184 if you have any questions or concerns. We will see you on Sunday!


Kelly Kump

Chelsea Chadwick

Amy Pugsley

Lindsay Jensen