September Assignments

September 5th     

Article of Faith #8

Emmallyn Ah Yen

D&C 94-97


McKayla Searle

For the Salvation of Zion


Veriellyn Ah Yen


September 12th  

Article of Faith #8

Josiah Lewis

D&C 98-101


Adelyn Brown

Be Still and Know That I Am God


Taggart Lewis


September 19th              

Article of Faith #9

Laurel Tuaileva

D&C 102-105


Nolan Taylor

After Much Tribulation… Cometh the Blessing


Hazel Taylor


September 26th              

Article of Faith #9

Anna Webster

D&C 106-108


Ben Webster

To Have the Heavens Opened


Bethany Webster



Sacrament Meeting

August 29, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Greg Remington

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................292   "O My Father"

Invocation...........Gregory Mortensen

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................190   "In Memory of the Crucified

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..............Carolyn Myers

Speaker 2..............Brian Myers

Closing Hymn..................277   "As I Search the Holy Scriptures"

Benediction............Emily Horne

911 National day of service#911Day Shape our Tomorrow 

Our Zone (ward boundary) is overseeing two projects:  NSL City Hall North Click this link  and  NSL City Hall South lot Click this link from 10:30 AM until 12:30 PM Saturday, September 11. 

Please sign up on the Just Serve links above, or in person on Sunday (second hour). There is a need for 30 volunteers for each location. These projects are family friendly and group friendly. Children need to be supervised by adults. Please reach out to your neighbors. If you have questions, reach out to Bart or Kristi Nelson.                          Hope to see you there!    




Sacrament Meeting

August 8, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Greg Remington

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................249   "Call to Serve"

Invocation...........Kyra Koehler

Stake and Ward Business

Speaker 1..............Dirk Kossin

Speaker 2..............Brittana Alexander

Speaker 3..............Korie Brown

Speaker 4..............Amy Hamblin

Closing Hymn..................247   "We Love Thy House, O Lord"

Benediction............James Smart


Sacrament Hymn.......................173   "While of These Emblems We Partake

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Young Women - August Activities & Sunday Ushering

We have planned activities on the following dates, when most of our Young Women are available:
August 5 - NO ACTIVITY
August 12 - Cherry Hill (Ayla/Amy in charge)
August 19 - Swimming at Barnes' pool (combined; Priests in charge)
August 26 - NO ACTIVITY
Keep an eye on your texts for information as plans are finalized each week.

The Young Women are responsible for USHERING during sacrament meetings. Each month, two Young Women are assigned this responsibility, which includes arriving at church at 8:45 a.m., welcoming the congregation into the chapel, distributing flyers, and closing the doors during the administration of the sacrament. Here are the assignments for the next nine months. Please have your daughter find a substitute if she will be gone any Sunday during her assigned month.

August 2021 - McKady, Taylor R
September 2021 - Brooklyn S, Dancyne
October 2021 - Cate, McKenna
November 2021 - Marcie, Torey
December 2021 - Brooklyn U, McKinley
January 2022 - Carly, Johanna
February 2022 - Abbey, Korie
March 2022 - Juliann, Bridget
April 2022 - Charley, Brittana