Sacrament Meeting

September 26, 2021

Presiding.............President Farnes

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................19   "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" 

Invocation...........Ann Marie Birkholz 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................146   "Gently Raise the Sacred Strain

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

                                         "The balance of the Meeting under the direction of president Farnes"

                                                                              Musical Number

Closing Hymn..................21   "Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Benediction............Cody Johnson

Primary Program 2021

 We are so excited for the upcoming Primary Program. The Primary Program will be November 14th. We will be singing the following songs:

-I Will Follow Gods Plan

-I Am a Child of God (All 4 verses)

-I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (2 verses)

-Family History (2 verses)

-He Sent His Son

-Families Can Be Together Forever ( 2 verses)

Parents we would love you to practice these songs with your children in preparation. We are so excited to hear from them and feel of their spirits during the program. 



Sacrament Meeting

September 12, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Jake Brown

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................300   "Families Can Be Together Forever" 

Invocation...........Amanda Koldewyn 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................183   "In Remembrance of Thy Suffering

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..............Mathew Ulmer

Congregational Hymn

Speaker 2.............Mick Epperson

Closing Hymn..................294   "Love at Home"

Benediction............Ed Pugsley

Young Women Sunday Lessons ~ September




Sacrament Meeting

September 5, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................38   "Come, All Ye Saints of Zion"

Invocation...........Laraine Gordon 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................193   "I Stand All Amazed

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Testimonies..............Everyone is invited

Closing Hymn..................129   "Where Can I Turn for Peace"

Benediction............Keith Koehler

Communication during an emergency 

  • ·       Plans for communication challenges during an emergency
  • ·       Family planned meeting spot
  • ·       Out of state contact
  • ·       Window cards to inform local Leaders
  • ·       First family then neighbors- Who will you report to?
  • ·       Communication source other than a cell phone
  • ·       Battery powered radios to hear news alerts
  • ·       Essential documents

Check out the Stake document on communication


- September -

This months birthdays!!!

Jill Johnson - 1st
Sharon Young - 7th
Linda Robinson - 9th
Amanda Crapo - 9th
Jill Thompson - 9th
Helena Mustonen - 11th
Val Smith - 14th
Karla Mortensen - 14th
Andrea Gunnerson - 16th
Donna Jarvis - 17th
Alli Parker - 19th
Ashleigh Robbins - 20th
Teri Southam - 22nd
Joan Betts - 24th


- Afghanistan Donations Project -


I am collecting items for a donation to the IRC (International Rescue Committee) in SLC over the next two weeks and I wanted to include some info in a RS email.

As the Taliban has resumed control of the Afghan government, there are several refugees seeking asylum in the US. Gov Cox has told the White House that Utah can accept approximately 1200 Afghan refugees. The IRC who intercepts every refugee that comes to Utah and helps them resettle is seeking donations for hygiene kits and home cleaning kits. I am gathering donations through Friday, Sept 3rd to assemble kits to donate.

The attachment details what is needed. You can donate individual items or put together a full kit and donate that. I will leave a box on my porch for drop off. If people prefer to donate money I can buy supplies to fill in the gaps since the IRC wants full kits donated already assembled. If you have any questions please reach out to me personally @ 801 636-5548 snmoulton@gmail.com

Thank you! Thank you!

Sarah Moulton

- Ladies Lunch -

After a summer recess, join us for a “Back to School” Ladies Lunch on 

Friday September 10th @noon

  We will be meeting at Hatch Park in NSL by the baseball field in a covered pavilion.  Bring a potluck item to share or your own lunch if you prefer.  Children are welcome!  

We will have an A+ time! 

Please bring a salad or dessert to share!

- This months lesson schedule -

Sept 12-  Lee Ann Hyer, What has the Savior done for us? by Dallin H Oaks


Sept 26- Sara Moulton, Essential Conversations, by Joy D. Jones

- Missionaries -

If you are interested in feeding the missionaries they would love it!  Although they are still not allowed to go into home for meals but they would gladly except meals brought to them!  

If you are interested contact them @ 801-231-2309 

Elder Morrill, Elder Nuttall, Elder Gold, and Elder Weber