Sacrament Meeting
October 24, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Sacrament Meeting
October 17, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Sacrament Meeting
October 10, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Dear Ward Family,
Our Stake has recently been notified of an immediate need for a service project to help support many of the Afghan and Venezuelan refugees that are arriving in Utah over the next few weeks. We have teamed up with UnityintheCommUnity Foundation (a small non-profit organization in Midvale) to assist the other non-profit agencies tasked with the resettlement efforts to meet the significant needs of our brothers and sisters. I'll be helping out as the point person for this project in our ward.
They are looking for the following items but are asking that they are very, gently used, clean and in very, good condition. New items are especially appreciated! It would be nice if people could bag and label the loose items that are donated. No other sorting of donations is necessary. (The attached flier contains the same information)
· Clothing (Any age and any size - Of particular need are men's and teen's clothing.) Note...These men are not typically as large or tall as American men.
· Shoes for all ages and sizes including winter boots
· Coats and winter outerwear
· New socks and underwear (All ages and sizes)
· Dish sets are especially needed and can be purchased at Kohl's, Target and other stores in settings of 4.
· Silverware, cups, glasses and small appliances
· Toys, diapers and baby formula
· Sheets, bedding and blankets (Of particular need are twin size mattresses and bunk beds, available at DI.)
Apartments are tiny and often they have many children. We realize that this is a pretty comprehensive list but any new or gently used items would be welcome and greatly appreciated.
You may drop off your donations either to the Parker's home (532 W 3200 S) or to my home (3435 S 200 W). This effort is beginning immediately, with the end date around October 15th, but I would encourage donating sooner than later. More details may be sent as this date gets closer.
Monetary donations are also welcome and you can do that using a ward donation slip and earmarking it as "Other - Afghan Refugee Project".
Please reach out to me with any questions about this project.
Bishop Dan Webster
(801) 678-2967
Change to Baptistry Appointments
As most members know, baptistry appointments at the Bountiful Utah Temple are fully booked through January 2022. In trying to open up more opportunities, the Temple Department has changed the way baptistry appointments are made. In the past, if an appointment was made for only a small few to come to the baptistry, they would have the entire hour to themselves. Although this method has its advantages, it greatly limits the number of patrons we can serve per appointment.
The scheduling system has now been changed so that the one hour appointment time is not full until a total of 16 patrons have been scheduled as participants (those to be baptized or confirmed). Therefore, it’s very important that the number of participants a member inputs into the scheduling system for their appointment be precise and correct. Contrary to the past, members should not recruit additional patrons to join their appointment, but instead should remain true to the number of participants they input into the scheduling system. If members with upcoming baptistry appointments are unsure of how many participants they input into the system, they can view, and change if necessary, their appointment details in the My Temple Appointments section on the Church’s temple scheduling site.
This change in our scheduling system will open up many additional baptistry appointment times. The temple will also be adding additional appointment times for other ordinances in the coming weeks. As always, it’s very helpful when members go online and cancel any appointment that they cannot attend so that their appointment slot is available to others.
We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve you in the House of the Lord,
The Bountiful Utah Temple Presidency
October Primary Assignments
Article of Faith #10 |
Searle |
D&C 111-114 |
Scripture |
Koldewyn |
I Will Order All Things for Your Good |
Talk |
Leela Kump |
October 17th
Article of
Faith #10 |
Hyrum Cundick |
115-120 |
Scripture |
Mila Cundick |
Sacrifice Shall Be More Sacred unto Me Than His Increase |
Talk |
Asher Cundick |
October 24th
Article of
Faith #11 |
Tanner Johnson |
121-123 |
Scripture |
Maggie Chadwick |
O God,
Where Art Thou? |
Talk |
Cooper Johnson |
October 31st
Article of
Faith #11 |
Kirk Pugsley |
D&C 124 |
Scripture |
Rachel Pugsley |
A House
unto My Name |
Talk |
Abigail Pugsley |
- October -
Oct. 10 - Sarah Snarr, The Principles of My Gospel, by David A. Bednar
Oct. 24 – Cari Moss, Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,
by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
join on Zoom! Use the Relief Society Sunday Zoom link (below)
If you'd like to contribute $2 to help offset the cost of the chocolate, you can bring cash that night or Venmo Amy @Amy-Gates-6 Contributions appreciated but not necessary.