- October -


Donna Hiatt - 1st
Sandra Rushforth - 4th
Sarah Dennis - 4th
Candace Turpin - 5th
Rachel Scott - 5th
Melanie Olsen - 7th
Emily Horne - 7th
Susan Midgley - 7th
Jennifer Reudter - 9th
Autumn Cundick - 12th
Cheryl Freebairn - 17th
Carmela Claypool - 18th
Bonnie Kelsey - 19th
Rachel Laney - 22nd
Angela Olsen - 28th
Megan Rowe - 29th


- This months lesson schedule -

Oct. 10 - Sarah Snarr,  The Principles of My Gospel, by David A. Bednar

Oct. 24 – Cari Moss, Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains, 

by Pres. Russell M. Nelson


- Trick or Treat Artisan Chocolate Tasting Activity -

Combined Activity with the Young Women

Tuesday, October 12 at 7:00 pm 

Laura Lewis' backyard 3227 S 475


 join on Zoom!  Use the Relief Society Sunday Zoom link (below)

Please sign up by doing one of the following:

Use this survey: 

Text or call Amy Gates at 801-953-4455

Let us know your name and whether you'll be joining us in person or on Zoom (we will deliver your chocolates that afternoon) If you're signing up for other ladies, if you have any food allergies we need to have a head count to know how much chocolate to buy by Sunday, October 10th at the latest. 

Invite your friends and neighbors!

If it is stormy, we will move to the church.

If you'd like to contribute $2 to help offset the cost of the chocolate, you can bring cash that night or Venmo Amy @Amy-Gates-6  Contributions appreciated but not necessary.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 6821 9441
Passcode: 333



Join us for a fun activity with Tori Epperson!!

When: Thurdsay, October 21 at 7:00 pm

Where: Alli Parkers home - 532 W 3200 2

Don't like the color??? Paint it!

Don't like the cracks??? Fill them!

Don't like the style??? Modify it!

Don't like that chair??? Cover it!

Plus ideas on seasonal projects.