Sacrament Meeting

December 12, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop David Moulton

Conducting .........Bishop David Moulton

Chorister..........Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................202   "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful" 

Invocation...........Rachel Scott 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................194   "There is a Green Hill Far Away

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..................Liv Mortensen (Bridlewood)

Musical Number..........Jaesi Jones (Piano)

Speaker 2..................Todd Jones (Stake High Council)

Closing Hymn..................213   "The First Noel"

Benediction............Scott Nelson