
Lindsay Moss - 1st

Suzanne Boes - 4th

Amanda Trott - 6th

Molisa Anthoney - 6th

Meghan Johnson - 9th

Sandy Stout - 11th

Colleen Jamison - 12th

April Rivera - 17th

Tuulikki Reinikainen - 23rd

Ruth Cole - 23rd

Sue Koldewyn - 24th

Suzannah Pabla -26th

Charla Tapa'atoutai - 28th


2022 Meeting Schedule Beginning January 1st 2022

Sacrament Meeting 10:30-11:30 

Second hour 

1st & 3rd Sundays Sunday School 11:35-12:30pm

2nd & 4th Sundays RS/Priesthood 11:35-12:30pm

Relief Society Sunday Meeting Link

Time:  January 9th, 2022 11:35 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 6821 9441

Passcode: 333


February Lesson Schedule

 5th and 6th - Stake Conference

13th - John Alexander - Temple/Family History

27th - Merilyn Hammond, Elder Anthony D. Perkins, "Remember Thy Sufffering Saints, O Our God" and Elder Brent H. Nielson, "Is There No Balm in Gilead?"


Join us for a "Gal"entine's Ladies Lunch on Friday February 11th, Noon, at the church.

Bring a favorite potluck item you would "love" to share!

Little Cupid's welcome!


Save the date March 2nd 2022 

Stake Relief Society Conference with Sharon Eubank!


Here is the link from our wonderful 5th Sunday lesson.

President Russel M. Nelson 

4 years of Prophetic Invitations




Sacrament Meeting

January 30, 2022

Presiding.............Bishop David Moulton

Conducting .........Bishop David Moulton

Chorister..........Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................239   "Choose the Right" 

Invocation...........Kristi Nelson 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................170   "God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..................Mckinley Ulmer

Speaker 2..................Ruth Cole

Speaker 3..................Cliff Cole

Closing Hymn..................237   "Do What Is Right"

Benediction............Jake Brown



Sacrament Meeting

January 23, 2022

Presiding.............James Gates

Conducting .........Will Chadwick

Chorister..........Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................7   "Israel, Israel, God Is Calling" 

Invocation...........Kim Ulmer 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................190   "In Memory of the Crucified

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..................Sadie Seljaas (Springwood)

Musical Number..................Taushalyn Brown

Speaker 2..................Carl Pond (Stake high council)

Closing Hymn..................67   "Glory to God on High"

Benediction............Merilyn Hammond

Temple and Family History Spotlight

Every couple of weeks there will be a new spotlight to remind everyone about Temple and Family History work.  We are following our Prophet when we visit the temple and do the work of our ancestors.

"If you don't yet love to attend the temple, go more often, not less.  Let the lord, through his spirit, teach and inspire you there.  I promise you that over time, the temple will become a place of safety, solace and revelation." - President Russell M. Nelson.

The temple has openings and all of us have work we can do in the temple.

     -The Temple and Family History Committee.

RootsTech 2022 Sign up for Free


RootsTech Signup Link



Sacrament Meeting

January 16, 2022

Presiding.............Bishop David Moulton

Conducting .........Bishop David Moulton

Chorister..........Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................142   "Sweet Hour of Prayer" 

Invocation...........Diane Schreiter 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................191   "Behold the Great Redeemer Die

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Speaker 1..................Xander Kump

Speaker 2..................Andrea Fronk

Speaker 3..................Bart Nelson

Closing Hymn..................2   "The Spirit of God"

Benediction............Kollin Boes



Carol Bawden - 1st
Kaeley Hunstman - 5th
Bri Smith - 8th
Janet Thomas - 17th
Chelsea Chadwick - 20th
Renae Ellis - 24th
Eva Corbridge - 24th
Mindi Remington - 28th
Joyce Maughn - 28th
Lindsi Quinton - 29th


2022 Meeting Schedule Beginning January 1st 2022

Sacrament Meeting 10:30-11:30 

Second hour 1st & 3rd Sundays Sunday School 11:35-12:30pm

                     2nd & 4th Sundays RS/Priesthood 11:35-12:30pm


Relief Society Sunday Meeting Link

Time:  January 9th, 2022 11:35 AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 6821 9441
Passcode: 333


Setting Goals Through Art class presented by Emily Hayford on Wednesday January 12th 7pm-8:30pm exploring who we want to become this year through writing, painting, drawing, and collage. 

In person class size limited to 10. All others who wish to may join virtually through zoom. Please reach out directly to Emily if you are interested. She has a few in person spots still available!

RSVP: 801-837-0140


Ladies Lunch 

Got the January Blah’s? Then come on down to Ladies Lunch for a social uplift! 

Bring a comfort food to share!

Friday, January 14th @ noon at the church

Children are welcome!

January Lesson Schedule

January 9th – Julia Sim, Elder Quentin L Cook, “Personal Peace in Challenging Times”  and Elder Sean Douglas, “Facing Our Spiritual Hurricanes by Believing in Christ”

January 23rd – Lee Ann Hyer, Elder Ronald A. Rasband, “The Things of My Soul”

Emergency Preparedness News for 2022

 Dear Ward Members,

Each month in 2022 you will see something about disaster preparation. Each month will have a focus and easy steps to follow. The goal is to help everyone get better prepared in case of an emergency. These steps will be simple and basic but you are welcome to go above and beyond. When it comes to food and water storage you may be set and doing fine but if you are not and haven't done anything hopefully this program will give you encouragement.

If you have any questions please let us know.Paul & Nicole Schmutz O7 Emergency Preparedness Coordinators.

Check out Emergency Prep 2022 Intro

Young Women ~ Save the Dates


  • January 14, 3 p.m. - FSY registration opens (for youth turning 14+ in 2022) - see below
  • January 29, 4 p.m. - Youth Face to Face Broadcast
  • February 12 - Stake Senior Retreat (for graduating high-school seniors)
  • February 13, 1-2 p.m. - New class presidency training
  • February 22, 7 p.m. - Beginning of Year Activity (for all youth and parents)
  • April 10 - Stake Youth Fireside with Meg Johnson
  • July 11-15 - Stake Young Women Camp at Heber Valley Camp

All youth who are turning 14 or older in 2022 are invited to For the Strength of Youth (FSY) Conference. This *new* Church-sponsored conference includes a week of devotionals, activities, and testimony building. Registration for our ward opens Friday, January 14 at 3 p.m. Please register your youth as soon as possible so they may have the most options for open sessions. Although the Bountiful Orchard Stake is inviting youth to attend together at the University of Utah June 20-25, youth are welcome to register for and attend any open session available anywhere anytime all summer. A $75 fee will be due when you register. 

Young Women ~ January

We hope everyone had a happy, restful holiday season, and we are very excited for the new year ahead! We are especially thrilled to welcome KAYLA KOLDEWYN, CHARLOTTE BUCHANAN, JULIE BUCHANAN, TORI BOES, AND VERIELLYN AH YEN to Young Women! We can't wait to get to know them better!

Here's what the Young Women have planned in January...


The following young women have volunteered to teach our Sunday lessons this month. Thank you!

  • January 9 - MARCIE MORTENSEN and MCKINLEY ULMER will teach "How Does God Want Me to Care for His Creations, including My Body?" Classes will meet separately.
  • January 23 - MCKADY KUMP will teach "How Can the Lord Help Me Serve More Faithfully?" to all of the Young Women.

AYLA HAMBLIN, CARLY TAYLOR, and TAYLOR REMINGTON are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings this month. They will need to arrive at church at 10:15 a.m., welcome the congregation into the chapel, distribute flyers, and close the doors during the administration of the sacrament. Please have your daughter find a substitute if she will be unable to fulfill this responsibility any Sunday this month.



This week's "Planning & Pizza" was a success! We ate yummy pizza and managed to plan most of our activities through the end of May. Several of our upcoming activities are focused on our 2022 goal to strengthen our spiritual foundations by centering our lives on the Lord and on the ordinances and covenants of His temple. If your daughter was unable to make it to this meeting, no worries! She will certainly have opportunities to partner up and help plan upcoming activities. Please encourage her to offer to help! We need everyone's ideas, planning, and efforts to make our activities happen!

The following activities are scheduled in January. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman in charge and leader assisting. Most activities are on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church, but please keep an eye on your texts for information as plans are finalized each week.

Older Class 

January 11 - beading and friendship bracelets (Charley, Kylee)

January 18 - clean the nursery (Cate, Kylee)

Younger Class 

January 11 - finish up planning (Nicole)

January 18 - bowling (Kayla, Nicole)

Combined Activities 

January 25 - Where's Waldo? (combined with Young Men, planned by Priests Quorum)

All our activities, lessons, and upcoming plans are visible on a "live" Google doc at It is updated regularly. Check it out!



Sacrament Meeting

January 2, 2022

Presiding.............Bishop David Moulton

Conducting .........Will Chadwick

Chorister..........Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................6   "Redeemer of Israel" 

Invocation...........Becky Paulson 

Stake and Ward Business

Sacrament Hymn.......................146   "Gently Raise the Sacred Strain

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Testimonies..................Everyone is invated

Closing Hymn..................274   "The Iron Rod"

Benediction............Jasper Gold