The following young women have volunteered to teach our Sunday lessons this month. Thank you!
- February 13 - CHARLEY ALEXANDER and TAYLOR REMINGTON will teach "How Can We Remain True to the Savior in a Wicked World?" Classes will meet separately.
- February 27 - MCKINLEY ULMER will teach "Why Is Eternal Marriage Important?" to all of the Young Women.
ABBEY KOSSIN and KORIE BROWN are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings this month. They will need to arrive at church at 10:15 a.m., welcome the congregation into the chapel, distribute flyers, and close the doors during the administration of the sacrament. Please have your daughter find a substitute if she will be unable to fulfill this responsibility any Sunday this month.
Per direction by our Stake Presidency, youth class presidencies meet every Sunday for about 15 minutes immediately after church.
The following activities are scheduled in February, and some are focused on our 2022 goal to strengthen our spiritual foundations by centering our lives on the Lord and on the ordinances and covenants of His temple. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman in charge and leader assisting. Most activities are on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church, but please keep an eye on your texts for information as plans are finalized each week.
Older Class
February 15 - quote collages (Charley, Laura)
Younger Class
February 15 - bracelet making (Bridget, Nicole)
Combined Activities
February 8 - Heart attacks (combined Young Women, planned by younger class)
February 22 - Beginning of Year Parent/Youth Activity (combined with Young Men, planned by older YW class) - PARENTS ARE INVITED