The church of jesus christ of latter-day saints


Fast & Testimony Meeting

May 1, 2022


Presiding................................................................................... Bishop David Moulton

Conducting.................................................................................Bishop David Moulton

Chorister.....................................................................................Steffanie Holdstock

Organist..................................................................................... Abbey Kossin


Welcome and Announcements


Opening Hymn................................................................ “All Creatures of Our God and King”

Hymn #62


Invocation...................................................................................Rachael Alexander


Stake and Ward Business


Sacrament Hymn................................................................“We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name”

Hymn #182


Administration of the Sacrament


Testimonies...................................................................................All are invited


Closing Hymn................................................................ "How Firm a Foundation"

Hymn #85


Benediction...................................................................................Robert Gates

Temple & Family History Spotlight

Need family history help? We have a superb local resource for you!

Contact the South Davis Family History Center at 801-299-4239 and schedule a time to get the help, training or resources you need.

Best of all the center is really close by at 3350 South 100 East.


The church of jesus christ of latter-day saints


Sacrament Meeting

April 24, 2022


Presiding............................................................................................................................................... Bishop David Moulton

Conducting........................................................................................................................................... James Gates

Chorister............................................................................................................................................... Steffanie Holdstock

Organist................................................................................................................................................ Abbey Kossin


Welcome and Announcements


Opening Hymn............................................................................................................................. "The Day Dawn is Breaking"

Hymn #54

Invocation............................................................................................................................................ Sharon Bott


Stake and Ward Business


Sacrament Hymn.................................................................................................. "Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love"

Hymn #176


Administration of the Sacrament

Speaker................................................................................................................................................. Artie Lucero

Speaker................................................................................................................................................. Dave Lewis

Closing Hymn....................................................................................................................... "High on the Mountain Top"

Hymn #5

Benediction.......................................................................................................................................... Mitchell Pearson

The church of jesus christ of latter-day saints


Easter Sunday Sacrament Meeting

April 17, 2022


Presiding............................................................................................................................................... Bishop David Moulton
Conducting........................................................................................................................................... James Gates
Chorister............................................................................................................................................... Steffanie Holdstock
Organist................................................................................................................................................ Abbey Kossin

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn..................................................................................................................................... "He is Risen"

Hymn #199

Invocation............................................................................................................................................ Ruth Cole

Stake and Ward Business 

Sacrament Hymn.................................................................................................................................. "I Stand All Amazed"

Hymn #193


Administration of the Sacrament 

Musical Number................................................................................................................................... “Gethsemane”

Laura & McKenna Webster Accompanied by Rachael Alexander

Scripture Reading................................................................................................................................ Nancy Goodwin

Musical Number................................................................................................................... “Savior, Redeemer of my Soul”

Mariana West Accompanied by Tanner West & Taushalyn Brown

Speaker................................................................................................................................................. Jordan Jensen

Musical Number................................................................................................................................... "Peace in Christ"

Young Women

Reading................................................................................................................................................. “The Living Christ”

Read by Amy Gates

Closing Hymn....................................................................................................................... "Christ the Lord is Risen Today"

Hymn #200

Benediction.......................................................................................................................................... Bart Hamblin

Emergency Prep: April 2022

 April emergency preparedness newsletter: safety and preparation for an earthquake or other disaster.

Temple & Family History Spotlight

 This is Holy Week. 

Christ's atonement touches generations. Invite your friends and neighbors to Easter Sunday and consider the atonement's eternal blessings for your ancestors.

Young Women ~ April

🌷 Hello April! 🌷

As you all know, March brought many unexpected changes to our Young Women organization (and ward). We miss the adult leaders and young women who now attend the 6th ward so much! Fortunately, we saw them at Stake activities in March, and we will continue to see them at combined activities in the future. This whole experience taught us we can do hard things, we can handle change, we can make new friends AND keep the old, and we have each other's backs--no matter what!

Here's what's coming up in April...


Thank you to Taylor Remington and our Stake YW leaders for leading our discussions in March! The following young women have volunteered to teach our Sunday lessons this month. Thank you!

  • April 10, BRIDGET MOULTON and MARCIE MORTENSEN will teach "How Can I Strengthen My Faith in Jesus Christ Every Day?" to separate classes.
  • April 24, AYLA HAMBLIN will teach "Why Does God Give Us Commandments?" to all of the Young Women.


  • JULIANN SOUTHAM and BRIDGET MOULTON are ushering during sacrament meeting on April 10.
  • CHARLEY and BRITTANA ALEXANDER are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings the remainder of this month.
  • Youth class presidencies meet every Sunday for about 15 minutes immediately after church.


The following activities are scheduled in April and are focused on our 2022 goal to strengthen our spiritual foundations by centering our lives on the Lord and on the ordinances and covenants of His temple. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman in charge and leader assisting. Usually our activities are on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church, although some weeks are different... Please keep an eye on your texts for more information each week.

  • April 5 - NO ACTIVITY (spring break)
  • April 12 - YW combined activity - practice for Easter Sunday YW Choir AND game night (Ayla, Amy)
  • April 20  (Wednesday) - Stake Center Building combined activity (5th ward)
  • April 26 - TBA

All our activities, lessons, and upcoming plans are visible on a "live" Google doc at It is updated regularly. Check it out!


  • April 10 - Stake Youth Fireside with Meg Johnson at 6 p.m. at the church
  • April 15 - "Tabernacle Experience" 10 a.m.-9 p.m. at Bountiful Tabernacle (see below)
  • April 17 - Easter Sunday - our beautiful Young Women are singing in sacrament meeting at 10:30 a.m. Invite your friends and family!
  • April 24 - YW adult leader training at 3 p.m.
  • July 11-15 - Stake Young Women Camp at Heber Valley Camp


  • As your daughter registers for classes for the 2022-23 school year, be sure she leaves a spot in her schedule for SEMINARY (grades 9-12). I know seminary is a critical and worthwhile opportunity to learn more about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and grow a testimony of His restored gospel. Please encourage your daughter to take seminary, and please take a moment to log into your Church account and register your youth for seminary TODAY!
  • It's not too late to register for For the Strength of Youth (FSY) ConferenceYouth may register for and attend any open session available anywhere anytime all summer. A $75 fee will be due when you register. Sign up for FSY TODAY! Don't miss this amazing opportunity that only comes around every other summer!!
  • Watch for more information from our local leaders about the "Tabernacle Experience" on April 15. Firesides, devotionals, trainings, Passover dinner, and other events are planned to make this unique experience a significant part of our Old Testament study.

Young Women Sunday Lessons ~ April



with Tina Peterson - Hebrew Scholar, and co-author of "Understanding Isaiah"

Every Thursday evening, beginning on March 3rd @ 7pm at the Stake Center

To view the institute classes live each week:

To view the institute class during the week after, follow these links:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:
Week 6:


April Primary Assignments 

April 3rd

General Conference

April 10th


Brooklyn Moulton

Exodus 14-17

Scripture or AOF #4

Alexandria Moulton

“Stand Still, and See the Salvation of the Lord”


Clara Koehler


April 17th


Jackson Searle


Scripture or AOF #4

McKayla Searle

“He Will Swallow Up Death in Victory”


Veriellyn Ah Yen


April 24th


Walker Nelson

Exodus 18-20

Scripture or AOF #4

Kohaku Bott

“All That the Lord Hath Spoken We Will Do”


Sakura Bott




Diane Schreiter - 2nd

Annette Clark - 7th

Sandy Inman - 8th

Chrystal Behunin - 8th

Laura McLean - 10th

Suzanner Allred - 18th

Susan Bauman - 28th

Barbara Smith - 30th


Hop on down to the church on Friday, April 1st at noon. 

We are having a Potluck Ladies Lunch and are combining both 6th and 7th ward neighborhoods for the once a month activity. 

Don’t be fooled…  we will have a great time and children are welcome!



Lesson Schedule

April 10 
Nancy Goodwin 
Lesson on the Passover, its symbolism and more about Christ's life

April 24
Terri Southam
Talks by Elder Bradley Wilcox (Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness) 
and Elder Michael Dunn (One Percent Better)


We are excited to invite you to an unforgettable night of tradition, remembrance, and food as we celebrate Passover as a stake.

As part of our Tabernacle Experience and study of the Old Testament this year, we will be hosting a Passover dinner on Thursday, April 14th, @ 6pm.  This celebration is for adults and youth 12 and up, including those that turn 12 this year.

We will be feasting, singing, and possibly dancing as we commemorate the Biblical story of Exodus -- where God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

At this time reservations are full.  But a waitlist is available.

To learn more about the event and to sign up, please follow the link below.


April 20th @ 7:00 pm Relief Society Combined Activity
         Sister Rachel Jones from the orchard 6th ward will be speaking.
Sister Jones has a Masters Degree in nutrition from Berkeley and was a professor of nutrition at the University of Utah. 

She developed Chron's disease in her early twenties and chose not to take medication.  She then changed her diet and lifestyle and is living a healthy life.  

She worked at the University of Utah brain institution with navy seals around PTSD using nutrition to heal.  

She also is the Vice President of a product development at a nutritional supply company she will use this evening to discuss "how to use the word of wisdom in a detailed fashion to be self sufficient in both our physical and emotional health" 

She plans to present for the 1st half and take questions for the 2nd half.
