Diane Schreiter - 2nd
Annette Clark - 7th
Sandy Inman - 8th
Chrystal Behunin - 8th
Laura McLean - 10th
Suzanner Allred - 18th
Susan Bauman - 28th
Barbara Smith - 30th
Hop on down to the church on Friday, April 1st at noon.
We are having a Potluck Ladies Lunch and are combining both 6th and 7th ward neighborhoods for the once a month activity.
Don’t be fooled… we will have a great time and children are welcome!
Lesson Schedule
April 10
Nancy Goodwin
Lesson on the Passover, its symbolism and more about Christ's life
April 24
Terri Southam
Talks by Elder Bradley Wilcox (Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness)
and Elder Michael Dunn (One Percent Better)
We are excited to invite you to an unforgettable night of tradition, remembrance, and food as we celebrate Passover as a stake.
As part of our Tabernacle Experience and study of the Old Testament this year, we will be hosting a Passover dinner on Thursday, April 14th, @ 6pm. This celebration is for adults and youth 12 and up, including those that turn 12 this year.
We will be feasting, singing, and possibly dancing as we commemorate the Biblical story of Exodus -- where God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
At this time reservations are full. But a waitlist is available.
To learn more about the event and to sign up, please follow the link below.

April 20th @ 7:00 pm Relief Society Combined Activity
Sister Rachel Jones from the orchard 6th ward will be speaking.
Sister Jones has a Masters Degree in nutrition from Berkeley and was a professor of nutrition at the University of Utah.
She developed Chron's disease in her early twenties and chose not to take medication. She then changed her diet and lifestyle and is living a healthy life.
She worked at the University of Utah brain institution with navy seals around PTSD using nutrition to heal.
She also is the Vice President of a product development at a nutritional supply company she will use this evening to discuss "how to use the word of wisdom in a detailed fashion to be self sufficient in both our physical and emotional health"
She plans to present for the 1st half and take questions for the 2nd half.