☀️ It's Summertime! ☀️
- June 12, CHARLEY ALEXANDER will teach "How Do I Hear the Voice of the Lord?" to all of the Young Women.
- June 26, TWO LEADERS (TBA!) will teach "Why Is Chastity Important in God's Plan?" to separate classes.
- MARCIE and TOREY MORTENSEN are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings in June.
- Youth class presidencies meet every Sunday for about 15 minutes immediately after church.
The following activities are scheduled in June. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Usually our activities are on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church, although some weeks are different... Please keep an eye on your texts for more information.
- May 31 - NO ACTIVITY
- Wednesday, June 8 - YM/YW Combined: Youth Music Festival (Older YW)
- Tuesday, June 14 - YW Combined: Camp preparation (Katie Brown & Team)
- Wednesday, June 22 - Stake Center Building combined activity (7th ward)
- Tuesday, June 28 - YW Combined: Camp preparation (Katie Brown & Team)
- Week of July 4 - NO ACTIVITY - But watch for announcements about camp, which kicks off July 11!
- June 5 - Ward Youth Council (for class presidents) 12:30p
- June 11 - Ward party at the South Davis Recreation Center 7-9p
- July 11-15 - Stake Young Women Camp at Heber Valley Camp
- Shorts and swimsuits are NOT allowed at Heber Valley Camp. As you shop for summer clothes, please plan accordingly!
- When your attention turns to the 2022-23 school year, be sure your daughter (grades 9-12) registers for SEMINARY.
- Time is running out to register for For the Strength of Youth (FSY) Conference. Youth may register for and attend any open session available anywhere anytime all summer. A $75 fee will be due when you register. Sign up TODAY! Don't miss this amazing opportunity that only comes around every other summer!!