By small and simple means...
All of us are challenged to make goals and frequently we pick something audacious and then beat ourselves up for not accomplishing it. Instead, let's follow the scriptures and keep things simple.
Make an easy goal you know you can accomplish. It can be taking ten minutes once a month (or less) and writing a three lines or a paragraph blurb about a funny event or family story that happened and posting it in Family Search as a memory...or just logging into FamilySearch and familiarizing yourself with part of it once a month...or a goal to complete an ordinance shorter than an Endowment session...or a small goal to get one step closer to holding a Temple Recommend. Make it work for you!
Temple and Family History doesn't mean doing both all at the same time. If you like Temple work but family history isn't your passion right now, great! Do that. If it's the other way around, then start with a small family history item!
The main thing is make it small and very easy to achieve. Write it down along with a due date. Your small and simple means will snowball in time.