Here's what the Young Women have coming up...
Thank you to Ayla Hamblin, who led our Sunday discussion in August. We learned how the Savior can help us during our trials, and discussed several ways we can reach out to Him for comfort, hope, and peace when our burdens feel too heavy to carry alone.
- September 11, MARCIE MORTENSEN and BRIDGET MOULTON will teach "How Can I Be Clean and Happy Again after I Sin?" to separate Young Women classes.
- September 25, our newest friend, LIZZY MITCHELL will teach "What Are Our Responsibilities in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation?" to all of the Young Women.
- DANCYNE SEARLE and LIZZY MITCHELL are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings in September. Thank you!
- Youth class presidencies meet every Sunday for about 10 minutes immediately after church.
We had a great "Planning and a Party" event last Tuesday! The young women came with great ideas, a lot of enthusiasm, and willingness to take ownership of our activities in the final months of the year. We were careful to focus on activities that have a strong "spiritual why," while also having a lot of FUN.
The following activities are scheduled in September. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Generally speaking, our activities are now on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church (although some weeks are different... please keep an eye on your texts for more information).
- TOMORROW: September 7 - YM/YW Combined Activity at the Layton FamilySearch Center. We're going to learn how to index and update our family trees! All youth need to meet at the church at 6:30 p.m. and bring their Church or FamilySearch username and password! If you need help with this log-in information, please contact me right away! (Younger Young Women)
- September 14 - Older class: Special service project (Ayla/Charley/Laura). Younger class: TBA (Bridget/Dancyne/Mindi)
- September 21 - Combined Building Youth Activity (6th Ward)
- September 28 - Conference/gratitude journals and fall thank-you note making (Lizzy, Melanie, Mindi)
- September 11 - Ward Youth Council (for class presidents) 12:30p
- September 18 or 25 (TBA) - FSY closing fireside
- October 1-2 - General Conference
All our plans are posted on a "live" group calendar at Check it often for updates!
- We are thrilled to welcome MEGHAN JOHNSON to our organization! Meghan will be the adviser for the Younger Young Women class. Yay!
- It's not too late to register for seminary! If there isn't time in your daughter's schedule, early-morning options are available. Please contact the Woods Cross Seminary or Bountiful Seminary as soon as possible if your daughter isn't taking advantage of this incredible opportunity to feel the spirit and grow her testimony!