🦃 Welcome November! 🦃
November is here! Term 2 is here! And winter is here! During this time of Thanksgiving, we are so so THANKFUL for our Orchard 7th Ward Young Women. They are so fun. (Seriously. Did you see us at the Neighborhood Fall Festival?) They are smart and strong and talented and interesting. They are beautiful inside and out. We love their testimonies, we love to learn about their lives, and we love to cheer them on in all the amazing things they do. THANK YOU for sharing your daughters with us! We are GRATEFUL they are part of our lives!!
We are also so THANKFUL for Mindi Remington, who was recently released from her calling as Young Women 2nd Counselor. She has brought the fun every week, and we are so GRATEFUL for her testimony, her example, and her love. ❤️
Here's what the Young Women have coming up this month...
THANK YOU to Juliann Southam, McKenna Webster, and Taylor Remington for leading great discussions in October. We learned why Jesus Christ should be central in our lives and how to write the Gospel on our hearts. Our Young Women teach awesome lessons!
- November 13, BRITTANA ALEXANDER and ASHLEY PIERCE will teach "How Can I Receive an Outpouring of the Lord's Spirit?" to separate Young Women classes.
- November 27, CHARLEY ALEXANDER will teach "How Can I Share the Gospel?" to all of the Young Women.
- TAYLOR REMINGTON and AYLA HAMBLIN are responsible for ushering during sacrament meetings in November. THANK YOU!
- Youth class presidencies meet every Sunday for about 10 minutes immediately after church.
The following activities are scheduled in November. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Generally speaking, our activities are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church (although some weeks are different... please keep an eye on your texts for more information).
- November 2 - YM/YW Combined: "Games & Goodies" (Charley, Amy)
- November 9 - Older: "Book Club & Brownies" (Juliann, Laura); Younger: Sewing pajama shorts (Bridget, Taylor, Meghan)
- November 16 - Stake Youth Activity (Stake)
- November 23 - No activity - Thanksgiving Break
- November 30 - YW Combined: Ice skating @ Bountiful Ice Ribbon (Younger YW)
- December 7 - YW Combined: Christmas party (Ayla, Ashley)
- Every Friday - Prelude to Christmas youth choir rehearsal (elementary/junior high youth) 4-5:30p @ Monarch Building (165 Monarch Dr, Bountiful)
- Every Sunday - Prelude to Christmas orchestra rehearsal 6:30-8p @ Monarch Building (165 Monarch Dr, Bountiful) - youth must have one year of instrument experience to participate
- Every Sunday - Prelude to Christmas choir rehearsal (high school/adult) 8-9:30p @ Monarch Building (165 Monarch Dr, Bountiful)
- November 13 - Ward Youth Council (for class presidents) 12:30p
- December 3 - Neighborhood Christmas party 6p
- December 4 - First Presidency Christmas devotional (broadcast) 6p
- December 11 - Prelude to Christmas performances
All our plans are posted on a "live" group calendar at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fy5cdxqqq18xzYQvr3-SI_-0aY4NOOKfDIoZztoew3E/edit?usp=sharing. Check it often for updates!