🌷 Hello May! 🌷
Although May is very busy with graduation, end-of-year recitals and concerts, spring sports, testing, and more, I hope you'll take a moment to pause and reflect on the many things your daughter accomplished this school year. Our young women are incredible! They are smart, they are talented, and they are capable of doing amazing things. We try to celebrate every success—if there's something we missed or need to know, please let us know! We are all in this together!
Congratulations to our 2023 high school graduates! Marcie Mortensen, Loni Tippets, Carly Taylor, Abbey Kossin, and Shazel Hernandez have been such positive influences on our Young Women organization. Throughout their time in Young Women, they have led classes, taught lessons, played music, planned activities, given talks, and more—always contributing with smiles and always providing an example to all of us. We are so happy for their achievements, and we can't wait to see what they do next!
THANK YOU to Ayla Hamblin for teaching us the importance of showing greater love to others in April. LIZZY and EMMA MITCHELL will discuss "What Can I Do Now to Prepare for the Savior's Second Coming?" with all of the Young Women on May 28.
- KORIE BROWN and KAYLA KOLDEWYN are ushering during sacrament meetings in May. Please arrive by 11:45 a.m., and THANK YOU!
- Most Sundays, youth class presidencies meet for about 10 minutes immediately after church for brief presidency meetings.
- Sunday, May 7, class presidents will meet in Ward Youth Council at 2:15 p.m.
- Sunday, May 14, the Young Women and Relief Society organizations will meet together during the second hour of church for a special Mother's Day lesson.
The following activities are scheduled in May. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Generally speaking, our activities are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church (although some weeks are different... please keep an eye on your texts for more information).
- May 3 - YM/YW Combined Activity (Deacons)
- May 10 - YW/RS Combined Activity: Nacho Night (Relief Society, Taylor R, Amy)
- May 17 - TBA
- May 24 - YW Combined Activity: Assisted Living Center Visits (Younger YW)
- May 31 - Class activities
- Younger class: Soap making (Korie, Marsha)
- Older class: Hike Tunnel Springs or Wild Rose (Juliann, Emily)
- June 7 - YM/YW Combined Activity: "Planning & Pickles" (Older YW)
Please also mark your calendars for our annual SPECIAL NEEDS DINNER SERVICE ACTIVITY on Thursday, May 18! Every year, our youth are invited to serve dinner to families in our area who have children with special needs. This amazing service opportunity is Thursday, May 18 at the church located at 1450 South 350 West in Bountiful. Young Men and Women should arrive between 5:30 and 6 p.m., ready to help prepare food, serve food to guests, visit with families, and help clean up. Our youth will have the opportunity to eat dinner after serving it to the families in attendance. We should be finished between 8:30 and 9 p.m.
- Sunday, May 21 - Seminary graduation for graduating seniors is at 4 p.m. at the church.
- Monday, May 22 - Submissions for the Youth Music and Arts Festival are due. The Church has invited youth of all faiths worldwide to create and submit original expressions of how Jesus Christ is their strength. Submissions can be made on the Church website.
- Tuesday, June 13 AND Wednesday-Saturday, June 14-17: Stake Youth Conference - All youth are invited to Youth Conference this summer to build their faith in Jesus Christ, strengthen their testimonies, develop their talents, make new friends, and have fun with youth who share similar beliefs and standards. Youth Conference Day Camp for youth turning 12 and 13 in 2023 is Tuesday, June 13. They will go to Willard Bay for water activities, followed by spiritual messages and dinner at the church. Youth Conference for youth turning 14-18 in 2023 is Wednesday-Saturday, June 14-17. They will be camping at Cinnamon Creek Camp near Paradise, Utah.
- Thursday-Saturday, July 27-29: Ward Young Women Camp at Bear Lake
- It's time to register for SEMINARY for the 2023-2024 school year! Hopefully your 9th -12th grade students left time in their school schedules to attend this course; if not, it can still be arranged with the schools. Please also remember to register your student with the Church.
- Oakcrest Girls Camp registration is open for girls who are finishing 7th grade right now. See a member of the YW presidency for details if you are interested.
- And, finally, remember all our plans are posted on a "live" group calendar at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fy5cdxqqq18xzYQvr3-SI_-0aY4NOOKfDIoZztoew3E/edit?usp=sharing. Check it often for updates!