JULY 30, 2023


JULY 30, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: LeeAnn Hyer & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: The Day Dawn Is Breaking 52

INVOCATION: Rachael Alexander

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: In Memory of the Crucified 190


SPEAKER: Juliann Southam

SPEAKER: Kristine Hall

MUSICAL NUMBER: Ward Call-Up Choir - The Glorious Gospel Light Had Shone  #283

SPEAKER: Kristi Nelson

CLOSING HYMN: As I Search the Holy Scriptures 277

BENEDICTION: Jordan Jensen


Upcoming Events
A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.
Sun, July 30th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "The Glorious Gospel Light Had Shown (Hymn #283). All are invited to join.
Sat, August 12 7:00-8:30pm - 9-Stake Young Married Couples Devotional (for anyone who considers themselves ‘young marrieds’) at the NSL Legacy Stake Center
954 West 1100 North, North Salt Lake
Ward Missionary Newsletter for July here.
Primary & Youth Upcoming Events
Wednesday mornings at 11:00 from June 14th - Aug 2nd - Summer Seminary. All students who attend Woods Cross High or South Davis Jr High are invited to attend and bring friends, even if they go to different schools. Summer Seminary is a time to gather for socializing, participate in a short gospel lesson, play games and have an ice cream treat. If needed, summer seminary can also be counted as seminary makeup work. Flier
Sat, August 5 10:00am-12:00pm- Ward Primary Activity at the Stake Center for ages sunbeam to 11 years old.
Sat, August 12 7:00-8:30pm - Nine Stake Youth Devotional at the Val Verda Stake Center, 2651 S 500 W Bountiful.  Flier.
Sat, August 26th 8:00-10:30pm - Young Men/Young Women Regional Dance for youth ages 14-18 (or turning 14 in 2023).
NSL Parkway Annex Building, 55 East 350 North, North Salt Lake.
School-year Seminary starts in the fall. If you haven't already, please register for the 2023-2024 school year as soon as possible! You need to add it to your student's school course schedule AND register your student with the Church. Instructions here
General Information
Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
Orchard 7th Ward Website
BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.
There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.


JULY 23, 2023


JULY 23, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: Kristi Nelson & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: Carry On 255

INVOCATION: Debbie Bramall

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: With Humble Heart 171


SPEAKER: Josh Hock

SPEAKER: Jake Brown

SPEAKER: Amy Pugsley

CLOSING HYMN: Come, Come Ye Saints 30

BENEDICTION: John Alexander


Upcoming Events

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • Sun, July 30th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "The Glorious Gospel Light Had Shown (Hymn #283). All are invited to join.

  • Sat, August 12 - Bountiful West Coordinating Council Leadership Conference with a member or the Quorum of the Twelve at the NSL Legacy Stake Center
    954 West 1100 North, North Salt Lake

1:00-2:15pm Priesthood Leadership Conference
(Stake Presidency, Bishops, Elders Quorum Presidents)

2:30-4:00pm Combined Leadership Conference
(Stake Presidencies, Stake RS, YW, YM, and Primary Presidencies, Bishops, EQ Presidents, ward RS, YW, and Primary Presidents)

7:00-8:30pm 9-Stake Young Married Couples Devotional
(Anyone who considers themselves ‘young marrieds’)

AT THE Val Verda Stake Center 2651 S 500 W, Bountiful:
7:00-8:30pm 9-Stake Youth Devotional
(Anyone attending YM and YW)


  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for July here.

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday mornings at 11:00 from June 14th - Aug 2nd - Summer Seminary. All students who attend Woods Cross High or South Davis Jr High are invited to attend and bring friends, even if they go to different schools. Summer Seminary is a time to gather for socializing, participate in a short gospel lesson, play games and have an ice cream treat. If needed, summer seminary can also be counted as seminary makeup work. Flier

  • Thu, July 27th - Sat, July 29th -  Ward Young Women Camp at Bear Lake - details are coming soon!

  • Sat, August 5 10:00am-12:00pm- Ward Primary Activity at the Stake Center for ages sunbeam to 11 years old.

  • Sat, August 12 7:00-8:30pm - Nine Stake Youth Devotional at the Val Verda Stake Center, 2651 S 500 W Bountiful.  Flier.

  • Sat, August 26th 8:00-10:30pm - Young Men/Young Women Regional Dance for youth ages 14-18 (or turning 14 in 2023).
    NSL Parkway Annex Building, 55 East 350 North, North Salt Lake.

  • Opportunities to attend FSY - This year is not one that our stake would normally attend FSY. However, for those interested, there may be space available to attend. Find additional information here

  • School-year Seminary starts in the fall. If you haven't already, please register for the 2023-2024 school year as soon as possible! You need to add it to your student's school course schedule AND register your student with the Church. Instructions here

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.


JULY 16, 2023


JULY 16, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: Teri Southam & Andrea Gunnerson

OPENING HYMN: We Ever Pray for Thee 23

INVOCATION: Brigham Hollingshaus

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown 197


SPEAKER: Harrison Brown

SPEAKER: Dan Webster

CLOSING HYMN: God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again 152



Upcoming Events

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday mornings at 11:00 from June 14th - Aug 2nd - Summer Seminary. All students who attend Woods Cross High or South Davis Jr High are invited to attend and bring friends, even if they go to different schools. Summer Seminary is a time to gather for socializing, participate in a short gospel lesson, play games and have an ice cream treat. If needed, summer seminary can also be counted as seminary makeup work. Flier

  • Sun, July 16, 6:00pm Stake Youth Conference wrap-up fireside at the Stake Center.

  • Thu, July 27th - Sat, July 29th -  Ward Young Women Camp at Bear Lake - details are coming soon!

  • Sat, August 5 10:00am-12:00pm- Ward Primary Activity at the Stake Center for ages sunbeam to 11 years old.

  • Sat, Aug 26th 8:00-10:30pm - Young Men/Young Women Regional Dance for youth ages 14-18 (or turning 14 in 2023).
    NSL Parkway Annex Building, 55 East 350 North, North Salt Lake.

  • Opportunities to attend FSY - This year is not one that our stake would normally attend FSY. However, for those interested, there may be space available to attend. Find additional information here

  • School-year Seminary starts in the fall. If you haven't already, please register for the 2023-2024 school year as soon as possible! You need to add it to your student's school course schedule AND register your student with the Church. Instructions here

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website