Young Women ~ July

😎 And all of a sudden it's HOT! ðŸ˜Ž

Our busy summer of faith, friends, and fun continues! I love that the Youth Theme this year is "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." This truth was the focus of June's Youth Conferences, and it is the focus of CAMP at the end of this month. The Young Women always hear me say, "I can do hard things." I love that my mantra has been refined this year: I still know can do hard things, but I realize I can do them because Jesus Christ is my Savior, and He gives me the strength, courage, and encouragement I need.

Here's what's coming up in July:

In June we discussed how to grow closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and Laura Webster lead a fantastic discussion about Jesus Christ's atonement. Thank you!
  • July 9, AYLA HAMBLIN and TAYLOR REMINGTON are teaching "How Does Jesus Christ Lead His Church?" to all the Young Women.
  • July 23, CHARLEY ALEXANDER and MARSHA DEANGELO are teaching "What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus Christ?" to separate classes.
  • July 30, Patriarch Evans and his wife are joining us for a special YM/YW Combined Fifth Sunday lesson about patriarchal blessings.
  • BRIDGET MOULTON and TAYLOR REMINGTON are ushering during sacrament meetings this month. Please arrive by 11:45 a.m., and THANK YOU!
  • Most Sundays, youth class presidencies meet for about 10 minutes immediately after church for brief presidency meetings.

The following activities are scheduled in July. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Generally speaking, our activities are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church (although some weeks are different... please keep an eye on your texts for more information).
  • July 5: NO ACTIVITY
  • July 12: Class activities
    • Younger - Swimming @ 5:30 p.m. (Ayla, Amy)
    • Older - Random acts of kindness (Bridget, Laura)
  • July 19: YW Combined activity - human battleship (McKenna, Laura)
  • July 26: NO ACTIVITY (It's Camp Week! See details below!)
  • August 2: NO ACTIVITY

  • Summer Seminary is every Wednesday until August 2 at 11 a.m. at the Woods Cross High School Seminary Building. Come for fun, friends, food, and to feel the Spirit!
  • Join the Stake for a Youth Conference Celebration fireside on Sunday, July 16 at 6 p.m. in the chapel (please wear Sunday dress). Catch up with new friends, enjoy refreshments, watch a photo slideshow, and remember the spirit we felt at last month's Youth Conference!
  • Thursday-Saturday, July 27-29: Ward Young Women Camp at Bear Lake
    • Katie Brown and her youth committees are working very hard to plan a fun and spiritually uplifting camp experience. Thank you!
    • Permission forms and packing lists are being distributed. Please return permission forms to Amy or Katie as soon as possible.
    • Camp schedule:
      • Tuesday, July 25, 7-8 p.m. - Pack gear at Katie Brown's house (373 W 3300 South). Bring sleeping bags, camp chairs, and other gear to load up!
      • Thursday, July 27, 6 a.m. - Travel, set up camp, and spend the day boating and playing at Bear Lake (eat breakfast at home, bring a sack lunch)
      • Friday, July 28 - Tour Minnetonka Cave, relax and do crafts, play games, enjoy friends around camp, feel the spirit at testimony meeting
      • Saturday, July 29 - Pack up camp and be back in Bountiful around 12 p.m.
School-year Seminary starts in the fall. If you haven't already, please register for the 2023-2024 school year as soon as possible! You need to add it to your student's school course schedule AND register your student with the Church. Instructions are attached to this message.
And, finally, remember all our plans are posted on a "live" group calendar at Check it often for updates!

THANK YOU for reading!
Amy Hamblin