Young Women ~ August

๐ŸŽ Hello August! ๐ŸŽ

In addition to a new school year, new schedules, and new routines, many fun activities are coming up this month! But before we get to all that, we want to THANK KATIE BROWN and her team for a very fun and successful Young Women Camp at the end of July. We went boating on Bear Lake, we camped in high style, we learned about the spiritual tools we need to navigate life, we explored Minnetonka Cave, we crafted, we ate delicious food, we braided hair, and we learned we can do all things through Christโ€”just like Rosie the Riveter! Our Young Women gave beautiful devotionals, bore their testimonies, served one another, and made us laugh for three glorious days. Camp 2023 was a highlight of our summer! Thank you, Katie and the entire Brown family!

We also want to thank MEGHAN JOHNSON for her service as an adviser for our older Young Women class. She is moving on to a new calling, and we will miss her!

Here's what's coming up this month:

In July we discussed how Christ leads His Church and what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Ayla Hamblin, Taylor Remington, Charley Alexander, and Marsha DeAngelo taught excellent lessons! Thank you!
  • August 13, BRITTANA ALEXANDER is teaching "How Can Jesus Christ Help Me Change?" to all the Young Women.
  • August 27, BRIDGET MOULTON and LIZZY MITCHELL are teaching "How Can I Show that I Know My Body Is a Sacred Gift from God?" to separate classes.
  • CHARLEY and BRITTANA ALEXANDER are ushering during sacrament meetings this month. Please arrive by 11:45 a.m., and THANK YOU!
  • Most Sundays, youth class presidencies meet for about 10 minutes immediately after church for brief presidency meetings.
  • August 13, class presidents have Ward Youth Council immediately after church.

The following activities are scheduled this month. Names in parentheses indicate the young woman or group in charge and leader assisting. Generally speaking, our activities are on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the church (although some weeks are different... please keep an eye on your texts for more information).
  • August 9: YM/YW Combined Activity - human battleship/water games (Charley, McKenna, Laura)
  • August 16: Stake Youth Activity - BBQ and games @ West Building lawn @ 6 p.m. (Please see the attached flyer for more information)
  • August 23: YW Combined Activity - Youth Music and Arts Festival broadcast (Juliann, Emily)
  • August 30: Class activities
    • Younger - laser tag (Taylor, Laura)
    • Older - ice cream social/school starting recovery session (Charley, Emily)
  • September 6: YM/YW Combined Activity - Planning & ??? (Priests)

  • All youth are invited to a special nine-stake devotional this Saturday, August 12 at 7 p.m. at the Bountiful Val Verda Stake Center (2651 S 500 West). Please see the attached flyer for more information.
  • Stake Conference is coming up! Please see the attached flyer for more information.
    • High School Seniors and all adults are invited to the Stake Conference adult session on Saturday, August 19 at 7 p.m. at our church.
    • Adult Young Women leaders are invited to the Stake Conference leadership session on Sunday, August 20 at 10 a.m. at our church.
    • Everyone is invited to the Stake Conference general session on Sunday, August 20 at 2 p.m. at the Bountiful Regional Center.

  • All youth turning 14 or older in 2023 are invited to a regional dance on Saturday, August 26 from 8 to 11 p.m. at the North Salt Lake Parkway Stake Annex. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

  • The National Day of Service is Saturday, September 9. Please keep the day open to serve others in our community!

  • It's never too late to enroll in Seminary! If you haven't already, please register for the 2023-2024 school year. Add it to your student's school course schedule AND register your student with the Church. Instructions are attached to this message.
And, finally, remember all our plans are posted on a "live" group calendar at Check it often for updates!
THANK YOU for reading!
Amy Hamblin