SEPTEMBER 24, 2023
SEPTEMBER 24, 2023
PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton
CONDUCTING: Kevin DeAngelo
MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin
OPENING HYMN: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet 19
INVOCATION: Paul Schmutz
Ward and Stake Business
SACRAMENT HYMN: God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray 170
SPEAKER: Paul Tooke
SPEAKER: Eileen Tooke
MUSICAL NUMBER: Ward Call-Up Choir - Come unto Him 114
SPEAKER: Kirk Matheson
CLOSING HYMN: Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice 21
BENEDICTION: Sarah Moulton
Upcoming Events
Sun, September 24th - The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "Come unto Him (Hymn #114). All are invited to join.
Sat, September 30th - Sun, October 1st - General Conference.
Saturday Sessions at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm
Sunday Sessions at 10:00am and 2:00pm.
Watch on BYUtv,the Church website or General Conference YouTube page.Sat, October 7th - Tithing Declaration will begin on Saturday, October 7th. Sign up sheets will be posted on the door of the Bishop's office starting September 24th. You may also schedule an appointment by contacting Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523). Prior to meeting with the Bishop, we invite you to review your donation history by logging into your account at and clicking on 'Donations' in the menu. Then select 'Donation History.' To request a paper copy of your donation history, please stop by the Clerk's Office.
Wed, October 11th - Ward Temple Day 10:00 AM
Sat, October 14th - Ward Temple Day 7:00 PM
Thurs, October 19th - 7:00-8:00pm Stake Basic Introduction to DNA and Genetic Genealogy class at the Stake Center. Taught by Jim Brown of the Sycamore Ward. See flier.
October 2023 - Next month is our ward's 50th Anniversary. Our ward was created on Oct 28th, 1973. We would like to gather some of the memories made along the way! If you have any old photographs or memories that you'd like to share with the ward, please email them to Tim Hayford ( within the next couple of weeks.
Primary & Youth Upcoming Events
Thurs, October 5 - FSY Registration opens. We will not be registering as a stake to attend FSY in 2024. However, all youth in our stake who will be turning 14 by December 31, 2024 should plan to attend an FSY session. In a letter from the church dated September 7th, “We encourage every eligible youth to participate and hope that parents and leaders will give high priority to preparing youth through stake FSY activities held before and after the conference.” The letter said. “We know this experience has the potential to bless the youth, their families and their classes and quorums.” Please follow the link as it will answer most of the questions. answers-to-questions-and-timeline-for-fsy-conferences-2024
Wed, October 11th - Youth, Youth Leaders and parents are invited to attend a Devotional from 7:00-8:00PM at the Bountiful Regional Center. Elder D. Todd Christofferson will be speaking
Sun, October 22nd - 7:00pm at the Stake Center we will be participating in a Worldwide Day of Testimony. This is for all youth and leaders. See article.
General Information
Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.
To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
Orchard 7th Ward Website
BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU. See letter here.
There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.
Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.
Jeff Jarvis shared a poem he wrote in Sacrament meeting. A copy of the poem is on the ward blog here.
You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website. See flier for more information.