SEPTEMBER 24, 2023


SEPTEMBER 24, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Kevin DeAngelo

MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet 19

INVOCATION: Paul Schmutz

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray 170


SPEAKER: Paul Tooke

SPEAKER: Eileen Tooke

MUSICAL NUMBER: Ward Call-Up Choir - Come unto Him 114

SPEAKER: Kirk Matheson

CLOSING HYMN: Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice 21

BENEDICTION: Sarah Moulton

Upcoming Events

  • Sun, September 24th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "Come unto Him (Hymn #114). All are invited to join.

  • Sat, September 30th - Sun, October 1st - General Conference. 
    Saturday Sessions at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm
    Sunday Sessions at  10:00am and 2:00pm. 
    Watch on BYUtv,the Church website or General Conference YouTube page.

  • Sat, October 7th - Tithing Declaration will begin on Saturday, October 7th. Sign up sheets will be posted on the door of the Bishop's office starting September 24th. You may also schedule an appointment by contacting Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523). Prior to meeting with the Bishop, we invite you to review your donation history by logging into your account at and clicking on 'Donations' in the menu. Then select 'Donation History.' To request a paper copy of your donation history, please stop by the Clerk's Office.

  • Wed, October 11th - Ward Temple Day 10:00 AM

  • Sat, October 14th - Ward Temple Day 7:00 PM

  • Thurs, October 19th - 7:00-8:00pm Stake Basic Introduction to DNA and Genetic Genealogy class at the Stake Center.  Taught by Jim Brown of the Sycamore Ward.  See flier.

  • October 2023 - Next month is our ward's 50th Anniversary. Our ward was created on Oct 28th, 1973. We would like to gather some of the memories made along the way! If you have any old photographs or memories that you'd like to share with the ward, please email them to Tim Hayford ( within the next couple of weeks. 

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • Thurs, October 5 - FSY Registration opens. We will not be registering as a stake to attend FSY in 2024.  However, all youth in our stake who will be turning 14 by December 31, 2024 should plan to attend an FSY session.  In a letter from the church dated September 7th, “We encourage every eligible youth to participate and hope that parents and leaders will give high priority to preparing youth through stake FSY activities held before and after the conference.” The letter said.  “We know this experience has the potential to bless the youth, their families and their classes and quorums.”  Please follow the link as it will answer most of the questions. answers-to-questions-and-timeline-for-fsy-conferences-2024

  • Wed, October 11th - Youth, Youth Leaders and parents are invited to attend a  Devotional from 7:00-8:00PM at the Bountiful Regional Center. Elder D. Todd Christofferson will be speaking 

  • Sun, October 22nd - 7:00pm at the Stake Center we will be participating in a Worldwide Day of Testimony.  This is for all youth and leaders. See article.

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article. 

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.

  • Jeff Jarvis shared a poem he wrote in Sacrament meeting.  A copy of the poem is on the ward blog here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.


SEPTEMBER 17, 2023


SEPTEMBER 17, 2023

PRESIDING: Will Chadwick

CONDUCTING: Kevin DeAngelo

MUSIC: Steffanie Holdstock & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: More Holiness Give Me 131

INVOCATION: Marsha DeAngelo

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: Behold the Great Redeemer Die 191


SPEAKER: Emily Spiers

SPEAKER: Caleb Speirs

SPEAKER: Amy Hamblin

CLOSING HYMN: Raise Your Voices to the Lord 61


Upcoming Events
  • Sun, September 24th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "Come unto Him (Hymn #114). All are invited to join.

  • Sat, September 30th - Sun, October 1st - General Conference. 
    Saturday Sessions at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm
    Sunday Sessions at  10:00am and 2:00pm. 
    Watch on BYUtv,the Church website or General Conference YouTube page.

  • Sun, October 8th - We will begin Tithing Declaration. Sign up sheets will be available soon. 

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • Sun, September 24th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "Come unto Him (Hymn #114). All are invited to join.

  • Wed, October 11th - Youth, Youth Leaders and parents are invited to attend a  Devotional from 7:00-8:00PM at the Bountiful Regional Center. Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Elder Kevin W. Pearson, and Emily Belle Freeman will be speaking 

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article. 

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.

Jeff Jarvis shared a poem he wrote in Sacrament meeting last week.  A copy of the poem is on the ward blog here.
 No. 8             

The Thing About Death

The thing about death is it’s final. You don’t get a second chance.
Whenever it happens you want to go back but all you can do is advance.
It’s kind of like birth but it’s better. You can run, jump and roll or take flight,
and your new home’s not drier or wetter, and there’s nothing around you that’s

Word is, the folks are well meaning, and the fabrics they wear are all light.
And some folks have said, who have been there and back, that the scenery is
“flat outa sight!”
But the entrance can be a bit tricky we’re told. St. Peter will grade your exam.
And should you NOT pass all the questions he asks, understand that your
progress is damned.

You’ll be jerked out of line and set to the side as a heavenly hearse is brought out,
then you’re tossed in the back like a deflated sack and your face gains a
permanent pout.
And those who were waiting inside Heaven’s Gate will anxiously watch the tableau,
knowing well that their welcome of love and respect is not what awaits you

And the hell that you enter will have every ointment to treat burns and heatstroke in
But you’ll find to your horror that none can be bought for you’ve left all your
money behind.
No sunscreen, no spray-on, no paste will be yours to cool off your skin that will peel,
no bandage, no water, no help will be yours to bind up the wounds that won’t

And there you will stay ‘til the very last day of the sentence your life choices earned,
‘til time comes at last when your penalty’s passed and your spirit is no longer
Unless, of course, ‘though your voice may be hoarse, you manage to murmur a cry
asking the Savior to come to your aid and forgive what you once had denied.

That your debt of sin was paid out in full at a Garden and Cross long ago,
and that His sacrifice and obedience to law has covered whatever you owe.
But for those who remain ‘though they be racked with pain from a conscience that’s
lost in denial,
there is no way back from Satan’s attack for those that dismiss Jesus’ trial.

For His arms have been opened since first you appeared as a child of Adam’s
and all that He asked was you shoulder the task of joining His righteous

And Truth and Justice are the standards twofold that compete for the Savior’s
as He seeks to be a merciful judge who can stifle eternal detention.

But we have the choice of what kind of life our agency brings to our door
as to whether we’ll live among those that seek truth or dwell with the spiritually
And all of these thoughts will weigh on the minds of the souls that reside in the pit,
and at last they will know what experience shows that two Masters want us to
commit to the power and might that each side expects will draw us to choose who we’ll be,
whether shallow and selfish or selfless and kind, whether captive or soul living
And a trumpet will sound as hell gathers round at the end of Satan’s domain,
which will spew forth the crew that will gather anew now to stand at God’s Gate
without blame.

Then Peter will say no test blocks their way to enter where Heaven awaits,
for they’ve paid for their sins on their own and now clean, redemption
invites a new fate.
And those souls whose lives now pass Peter’s test will tread different paths on their
in the company of families or friends of all sorts as they’re welcomed into a new

where, whatever was spent in earth’s service and love will determine their final
and they’ll find they enjoy that the Savior employs to secure their self-deserved
For the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings, is love untrammeled and pure,
Who jealously guards the children of God and seeks that their way may be sure.

And He never gives up on the children of man be their circumstance happy or sad,
for he sacrificed life for each one of us that a Heavenly home may be had.
And the fate of our future was set in our past when our contract for life was agreed
that we would come down for a brief go-around as mortals weighed down by our

To see if by choice we’d adhere to the rules that would one day allow us to be
set safe in God’s arms, protected from harm, partakers of God’s guarantee…
that a Savior would come to assure every chance we’ll be plucked from Satan’s foul
with a right to inherit all things that our Father has offered His children that ask.
And their sins and commissions He’ll forgive and forget for the sacrifice made by His
and the works of the Lord will finally restore all the damage that evil has done.

Jeff Jarvis/Bountiful, Utah/2022

This poem is about agency. We call it “free agency” although that’s not always
what it is. However, agency is so important that it was one of the first gifts God
gave to mankind. It is also promised and secured by our Constitution. Because
God CANNOT lie and Satan CANNOT compel us to do his will, then God WILL
NOT compel us to follow Him.

One path to our destiny leads to kingdoms of everlasting, escalating glory.
Another, separate path leads to everlasting, eternal misery.

What path we follow is our choice and our choice alone. Therefore, we are at
peril to choose wisely. That we may choose wisely and righteously is my prayer,
in the sacred name of Jesus Christ.



SEPTEMBER 10, 2023


SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Kevin DeAngelo

MUSIC: Steffanie Holdstock & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: They, The Builders of the Nation 36

INVOCATION: Josh Holdstock

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: O God, the Eternal Father 175


SPEAKER: Jeff Jarvis

SPEAKER: Will Chadwick

CLOSING HYMN: Hark, All Ye Nations 264



Upcoming Events

  • Thu, September 14th - Sat, September 16th - Freedom’s Light Festival at the Bountiful Park at 400 N 200 W. See website

  • Sat, September 30th - Sun, October 1st - General Conference. 
    Saturday Sessions at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm
    Sunday Sessions at  10:00am and 2:00pm. 
    Watch on BYUtv,the Church website or General Conference YouTube page.

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.