OCTOBER 29, 2023


OCTOBER 29, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: Love at Home 294

INVOCATION: Maryanne Mitchell

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: Upon the Cross of Calvary 184



CLOSING HYMN: Teach Me to Walk in the Light 304



Announcements October 29, 2023

 Upcoming Events

  • Sun, October 15th - Tithing Declaration has begun. Sign up sheets are posted on the door of the Bishop's office. You may also schedule an appointment by contacting Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523). Prior to meeting with the Bishop, we invite you to review your donation history by logging into your account at and clicking on 'Donations' in the menu. Then select 'Donation History.' To request a paper copy of your donation history, please stop by the Clerk's Office.

  • Sun, October 29th - Primary Sacrament Program. We have provided a link to view the Primary Program that can be shared with family that cannot attend in person:

  • Sun, October 29th - Prelude to Christmas rehearsals begin at the Monarch Building, 165 Monarch Drive, Bountiful.  Orchestra at 6:30, Choir at 8:00.

  • Wed, November 1st - Ward Temple Day 10:00 AM

  • Fri, November 3rd - Ward Temple Day 7:00 PM

  • Tues, November 7th - “Turkey Drive” for the Bountiful Food Pantry
    More help is needed this year.  Take donations to the Food Pantry 480 E 150 N, Bountiful, between 6-8pm.  See details, or donate money directly, on flier.

  • Sun, November 19th - Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary G. Cook.

  • October 2023 - This month is our ward's 50th Anniversary. Our ward was created on Oct 28th, 1973. We would like to gather some of the memories made along the way! If you have any old photographs or memories that you'd like to share with the ward, please email them to James Gates ( as soon as possible. 

  • November 2023 - The Orchard Stake has asked each ward to organize a group or groups with the emphasis on Emotional Resilience. This course will provide guidance in establishing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, overcoming anger, managing addictive behaviors, building health relationships, and strengthening others. These classes are for educational purposes only, not group therapy or professional treatment for mental health. They are encouraging all members to participate if they can.
    The course could start in November, but we will be more specific later with dates.
    We are asking anyone who is interested to fill out this short survey to gauge interest and availability: Survey Link 

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • If you missed this week’s education devotional with Elder Christofferson, the Bishopric is inviting every teenager in the ward to watch the devotional with their parents and develop their own personal education plan. We know you will be blessed as you follow through with this invitation. We will be discussing this topic together on Sunday, October 29th during our second hour youth meeting. 

  • Sun, October 29th - FSY Registration is now open. All youth in our stake who will turn 14 by December 31, 2024 are invited to attend an FSY session during the summer of 2024.  “We encourage every eligible youth to participate... We know this experience has the potential to bless the youth, their families and their classes and quorums.”  There is a $150 fee to attend FSY. The Ward will pay half of the fee. Youth are expected to pay the remaining $75. If you need help paying the fee please contact Bishop Moulton. If you have questions, please talk to a member of the Bishopric or Young Women's Presidency or refer to the following: answers-to-questions-and-timeline-for-fsy-conferences-2024

  • Wed, Nov, 15th - Stake Youth Activity. Details coming.

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article. 

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Temple and Family History Announcements here.

Missionary Newsletter - October



OCTOBER 22, 2023


OCTOBER 22, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: My Redeemer Lives 135


Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: I Believe in Christ 134


SPEAKER: Greg Mortensen

MUSICAL NUMBER: Ward Call-Up Choir - How Great Thou Art 86

SPEAKER: David Webster

CLOSING HYMN: The Lord is My Shepherd 108


Announcements Sunday, October 22

Upcoming Events

  • Sun, October 15th - Tithing Declaration has begun. Sign up sheets are posted on the door of the Bishop's office. You may also schedule an appointment by contacting Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523). Prior to meeting with the Bishop, we invite you to review your donation history by logging into your account at and clicking on 'Donations' in the menu. Then select 'Donation History.' To request a paper copy of your donation history, please stop by the Clerk's Office.

  • Sun, October 22th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "How Great Thou Art (Hymn #86). All are invited to join.

  • Wed, October 25th - Neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat at 6PM at the Stake Center. There will be food, games, a spook alley, and trunk-or-treating. Dress in your favorite costume and invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Decorate your trunk and come pass out candy.  See flier.

  • Thu, October 26th - Stake Blood Drive from 1:00PM - 7:00PM at the Stake Center. Sign up here or view the flier here

  • Sun, October 29th - Primary Sacrament Program

  • Sun, November 19th - Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary G. Cook.

  • October 2023 - This month is our ward's 50th Anniversary. Our ward was created on Oct 28th, 1973. We would like to gather some of the memories made along the way! If you have any old photographs or memories that you'd like to share with the ward, please email them to James Gates ( as soon as possible. 

  • November 2023 - The Orchard Stake has asked each ward to organize a group or groups with the emphasis on Emotional Resilience. This course will provide guidance in establishing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, overcoming anger, managing addictive behaviors, building healthy relationships, and strengthening others. These classes are for educational purposes only, not group therapy or professional treatment for mental health. They are encouraging all members to participate if they can.
    The course could start in November, but we will be more specific later with dates.
    We are asking anyone who is interested to fill out this short survey to gauge interest and availability: Survey Link 

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • If you missed this week’s education devotional with Elder Christofferson, the Bishopric is inviting every teenager in the ward to watch the devotional with their parents and develop their own personal education plan. We know you will be blessed as you follow through with this invitation. We will be discussing this topic together on Sunday, October 29th during our second hour youth meeting. 

  • Sun, October 22nd - FSY Registration is now open. All youth in our stake who will turn 14 by December 31, 2024 are invited to attend an FSY session during the summer of 2024.  “We encourage every eligible youth to participate... We know this experience has the potential to bless the youth, their families and their classes and quorums.”  There is a $150 fee to attend FSY. The Ward will pay half of the fee. Youth are expected to pay the remaining $75. If you need help paying the fee please contact Bishop Moulton. If you have questions, please talk to a member of the Bishopric or Young Women's Presidency or refer to the following: answers-to-questions-and-timeline-for-fsy-conferences-2024

  • Sun, October 22nd - Worldwide Day of Testimony, 7:00pm at the Stake Center.  Youth and leaders will gather to view testimonies from President Nelson, Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman, and Young Men General President Steven J. Lund, and then share testimonies with one another. As youth gather and share locally, the world will be filled with testimony of Jesus Christ. 

Youth can connect globally during the 24 hours of testimonies by sharing their experiences using the hashtag #AllThingsThroughChrist.

See article and flier.

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article. 

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Temple and Family History Announcements here.


OCTOBER 15, 2023


OCTOBER 15, 2023

PRESIDING: Bishop David Moulton

CONDUCTING: Bishop David Moulton

MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: I Need Thee Every Hour 98


Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: He Died! The Great Redeemer Died 192


SPEAKER: Mari Smith

MUSICAL NUMBER: Mari Smith - I Know That My Redeemer Lives

SPEAKER: Sylvia Webster

CLOSING HYMN: Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me 104


Upcoming Events

  • Sun, October 15th - Tithing Declaration has begun. Sign up sheets are posted on the door of the Bishop's office. You may also schedule an appointment by contacting Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523). Prior to meeting with the Bishop, we invite you to review your donation history by logging into your account at and clicking on 'Donations' in the menu. Then select 'Donation History.' To request a paper copy of your donation history, please stop by the Clerk's Office.

  • Thurs, October 19th - 7:00-8:00pm Stake Basic Introduction to DNA and Genetic Genealogy class at the Stake Center.  Taught by Jim Brown of the Sycamore Ward.  See flier. UPDATE (10/17/23): This has been cancelled

  • Sun, October 22th -  The Ward Call-Up Choir will sing "How Great Thou Art (Hymn #86). All are invited to join.

  • Wed, October 25th - Neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat at 6PM at the Stake Center. There will be food, games, a spook alley, and trunk-or-treating. Dress in your favorite costume and invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Decorate your trunk and come pass out candy.

  • Thu, October 26th - Stake Blood Drive from 1:00PM - 7:00PM at the Stake Center. Sign up here or view the flier here

  • Sun, October 29th - Primary Sacrament Program

  • October 2023 - This month is our ward's 50th Anniversary. Our ward was created on Oct 28th, 1973. We would like to gather some of the memories made along the way! If you have any old photographs or memories that you'd like to share with the ward, please email them to James Gates ( within the next couple of weeks. 

  • November 2023 - The Orchard Stake has asked each ward to organize a group or groups with the emphasis on Emotional Resilience. This course will provide guidance in establishing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, overcoming anger, managing addictive behaviors, building health relationships, and strengthening others. These classes are for educational purposes only, not group therapy or professional treatment for mental health. They are encouraging all members to participate if they can.
    The course could start in November, but we will be more specific later with dates. We are asking anyone who is interested to fill out this short survey to gauge interest and availability: Survey Link 

Primary & Youth Upcoming Events

  • If you missed this week’s education devotional with Elder Christofferson, the Bishopric is inviting every teenager in the ward to watch the devotional with their parents and develop their own personal education plan. We know you will be blessed as you follow through with this invitation. We will be discussing this topic together on October 29th during our second hour youth meeting. 

  • Thurs, October 5 - FSY Registration opens. We will not be registering as a stake to attend FSY in 2024.  However, all youth in our stake who will be turning 14 by December 31, 2024 should plan to attend an FSY session.  In a letter from the church dated September 7th, “We encourage every eligible youth to participate and hope that parents and leaders will give high priority to preparing youth through stake FSY activities held before and after the conference.” The letter said.  “We know this experience has the potential to bless the youth, their families and their classes and quorums.”  Please follow the link as it will answer most of the questions. answers-to-questions-and-timeline-for-fsy-conferences-2024

  • Sun, October 22nd - 7:00pm at the Stake Center we will be participating in a Worldwide Day of Testimony.  This is for all youth and leaders. See article.

General Information

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes monthly.

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Orchard 7th Ward Website

  • BYU has a new FlexGE program available, allowing almost anyone with a high school diploma or GED to attend in-person classes without being enrolled at BYU.  See letter here.

  • There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article. 

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for September here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.