Upcoming Events
The Bountiful Temple is in need of Temple Workers. If you are interested in
serving as either an Ordinance or Non-ordinance Worker (Temple Support, Clothing, or Office), please contact Bishop Moulton at (801) 473-5813. There is a significant need and a variety of opportunities to serve.Each Saturday 8:00 am Sabbath Day Preparation Church Cleaning Assignment. Please find someone to trade with or cover your shift if you can't make it.
Full schedule here.
-March 9:Horan (all), Horne, Hunter
-March 16: Jamison, Jensen, Johnson, Johnson, Kappos, Kelsey
-March 23: Koehler, Koehler, Koldewyn, Koldewyn
-March 30: Kossin, Lambert, Lemon, LemonWed, March 6th 10:00 AM - Ward Temple Day
Sat, March 9th 7:00 PM - Ward Temple Day
Sun, Mar 17th - World Wide Relief Society Devotional with President Nelson and with the General Presidency of the Relief Society at 6:00. This meeting is for all sisters in the stake, ages 18 and older!! The meeting will be at the stake center for the Devotional with testimonies from the sisters after the devotional. Light refreshments will be served!
General Conference will be April 6th-7th. Our Stake has some tickets for the Saturday Afternoon, Saturday Evening, and Sunday Afternoon sessions. Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523) if you’d like tickets.
Church Magazines (Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, and Friend) are now available at no cost. Use your church account to choose your subscriptions on a yearly basis here.
Primary Upcoming Events
Sat, Mar 23rd 10:00am-12:00pm Stake Primary Activity. Come celebrate ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ for children 8-11 (including those turning 8 this year) at the Stake Center. See flier.
Youth Upcoming Events
Sat, Mar 16th 8:00-10:30pm - Young Men/Young Women Regional Dance for youth ages 14-18 (or turning 14 in 2024).
NSL Parkway Annex Building, 55 East 350 North, North Salt Lake.The most fun of the year is coming up for all Young Women. It’s Girls Camp August 5th thru August 8th !! This year is Stake Camp at Heber Valley. Look for posters in the foyer with QR code to scan for online registration. Register by April 14th as sweatshirts etc. need to be ordered. More info to come. if you have any questions contact Val Mudrow 801-209-6981
April is Global Youth Service Month. In partnership with JustServe, the Utah Area Presidency invites all Young Women,Young Men, and Primary organizations to join in community service during the month of April in cooperation with the Global Youth Service Days scheduled for the month. See flier.
General Information
Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
Stake Recommend Interviews - The Stake Presidency is available this Wednesday (3/6) and next Wednesday (3/13) at the Stake Center from 6:00-7:30 PM so you can get your temple recommend in-person by just showing up or you can make an appointment at: https://stakeinterview.youcanbook.me/
If you need to schedule another night or on Sunday, you can make an appointment with Jon at 801-244-5725.A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. This link changes quarterly.
To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)
Orchard 7th Ward Website
There are helpful financial calculators available on the church website in this article.
Ward Missionary Newsletter for January here.
You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website. See flier for more information.
Temple and Family History Newsletter for February here.
For info on signing up for CES (Church Educational System) programs, see flier.