JANUARY 26, 2025


JANUARY 26, 2025

PRESIDING: Bishop Ed Pugsley

CONDUCTING: John Alexander

MUSIC: Emily Horne & Abbey Kossin

OPENING HYMN: On This Day of Joy and Gladness 64

INVOCATION: Andrea Gunnerson

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: As Now We Take the Sacrament 169


SPEAKER: Cheyenne Cole

MUSICAL NUMBER: A Believer's Prayer
Cheyenne Cole, Accompanied by Ruth Cole

SPEAKER: Michael Anthoney

CLOSING HYMN: Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise 41

BENEDICTION: Brigham Hollingshaus


Announcements January 26, 2024

 New Hymns

Upcoming Events

  • Saturday-Sunday, February 8th-9th Stake Conference.  See flier for details.
    Saturday Evening Session 7:00 PM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Morning Leadership Session 10:00 AM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Afternoon General Session 2:00 PM at the Regional Center
    (835 N 400 E, North Salt Lake)

  • Tuesdays, January 7th-April 29th 10:00-11:30 AM Stake Adult Religion Class taught by Tina Peterson.  Second half of the Book of Mormon.  Classes will be held in person at the Stake Center, or available live and for a short time after on YouTube at @OrchardStakeBountiful7659.  Registration is $42 ($2.50/class) and can be paid to Sister Peterson by check or Venmo.  Details here.  Email Sister Peterson at if you have questions.

Youth Upcoming Events

  • Saturday-Sunday, February 8th-9th Stake Conference.  See flier for details.
    Saturday Evening Session 7:00 PM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Morning Leadership Session 10:00 AM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Afternoon General Session 2:00 PM at the Regional Center
    (835 N 400 E, North Salt Lake

General Information

  • There is a new ward website with meeting schedules and announcements at

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Stake Recommend Interviews -The Stake Presidency is available every Wednesday (except the 3rd Wednesday) at the Stake Center from 6:30-7:30 PM so you can either finish getting your temple recommend in-person by just showing up, or you can make an appointment at:

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. 

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Sacrament Meeting programs can be found on the Orchard 7th Ward blog

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for January here. 

  • Temple and Family History Newsletter for November here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Single Adult Gathering Place

Gathering Place for Single Adults age 25(ish)-35(ish) is taking place every Thursday night at the Bountiful Orchard Stake Center.  Classes begin at 7PM and dinner is served each week at 8PM.  Come gather and meet new people and be spiritually and physically fed.  The address is 3599 S. Orchard Drive.  Invite your friends and come join us.  There are currently about 75-80 attending each week.  We look forward to seeing you!  See flier and Facebook page.


    • The Church of Jesus Christ web homepage includes a link to various libraries containing information about the Church along with the documents such as the Scriptures, General Conference talks, Media and Music libraries, and a topic called Life Help.

      The Life Help library includes the following topics:  Abuse; Addiction; Adoption; Child Nutrition; Death, Grieving and Loss; Disabilities; Divorce; Education; Employment; Family and Relationships; Finances; Media Safety; Mental and Emotional help; Parenting; Physical Health; Pornography; Preparedness; Pregnant and Single; Prison Ministry; Same-Sex Attraction; Self-Reliance Services; Single Parent Families; Suicide; and Transgender.


JANUARY 19, 2025


JANUARY 19, 2025

PRESIDING: Bishop Ed Pugsley

CONDUCTING: John Alexander

MUSIC: Emily Horne & John Daines

OPENING HYMN: Have I Done Any Good? 223

INVOCATION: Autumn Cundick

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: With Humble Heart 171


SPEAKER: Ben Brown

REST HYMN: Oh, The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 1015

SPEAKER: Bob Richardson

CLOSING HYMN: How Firm a Foundation 85


Announcements January 19, 2025

 New Hymns

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, January 22 10:00 AM - Ward Temple Day

  • Saturday, January 25 7:00 PM - Ward Temple Day

  • Tuesdays, January 7th-April 29th 10:00-11:30 AM Stake Adult Religion Class taught by Tina Peterson.  Second half of the Book of Mormon.  Classes will be held in person at the Stake Center, or available live and for a short time after on YouTube at @OrchardStakeBountiful7659.  Registration is $42 ($2.50/class) and can be paid to Sister Peterson by check or Venmo.  Details here.  Email Sister Peterson at if you have questions.

  • Saturday-Sunday, February 8th-9th Stake Conference.  See flier for details.
    Saturday Evening Session 7:00 PM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Morning Leadership Session 10:00 AM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Afternoon General Session 2:00 PM at the Regional Center
    (835 N 400 E, North Salt Lake)

Youth Upcoming Events

  • Saturday-Sunday, February 8th-9th Stake Conference.  See flier for details.
    Saturday Evening Session 7:00 PM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Morning Leadership Session 10:00 AM at the Stake Center
    Sunday Afternoon General Session 2:00 PM at the Regional Center
    (835 N 400 E, North Salt Lake

General Information

  • There is a new ward website with meeting schedules and announcements at

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Stake Recommend Interviews -The Stake Presidency is available every Wednesday (except the 3rd Wednesday) at the Stake Center from 6:30-7:30 PM so you can either finish getting your temple recommend in-person by just showing up, or you can make an appointment at:

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. 

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Sacrament Meeting programs can be found on the Orchard 7th Ward blog

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for October here. 

  • Temple and Family History Newsletter for November here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Single Adult Gathering Place

Gathering Place for Single Adults age 25(ish)-35(ish) is taking place every Thursday night at the Bountiful Orchard Stake Center.  Classes begin at 7PM and dinner is served each week at 8PM.  Come gather and meet new people and be spiritually and physically fed.  The address is 3599 S. Orchard Drive.  Invite your friends and come join us.  There are currently about 75-80 attending each week.  We look forward to seeing you!  See flier and Facebook page.


    • The Church of Jesus Christ web homepage includes a link to various libraries containing information about the Church along with the documents such as the Scriptures, General Conference talks, Media and Music libraries, and a topic called Life Help.

      The Life Help library includes the following topics:  Abuse; Addiction; Adoption; Child Nutrition; Death, Grieving and Loss; Disabilities; Divorce; Education; Employment; Family and Relationships; Finances; Media Safety; Mental and Emotional help; Parenting; Physical Health; Pornography; Preparedness; Pregnant and Single; Prison Ministry; Same-Sex Attraction; Self-Reliance Services; Single Parent Families; Suicide; and Transgender.