MARCH 16, 2025


MARCH 16, 2025

PRESIDING: Bishop Ed Pugsley


MUSIC: Emily Horne & John Daines

OPENING HYMN: Each Life that Touches Ours for Good 293

INVOCATION: Michael Anthoney

Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son 187


SPEAKER: Desi Alexander

SPEAKER: Chelsie Chadwick

SPEAKER: Andrea Gunnerson

CLOSING HYMN: I Know that My Redeemer Lives 136


Announcements March 16, 2025

 Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 16th 6:00 PM Worldwide Relief Society Devotional.  Women turning 18 this year and older are invited to gather at the Stake Center to watch together.  Refreshments and a gift will follow the devotional.  See flier.

  • Tuesday, March 18th and Tuesday, March 25th 7:00-8:00 PM - Music Conducting Workshop with LeAnna Willmore at the Monarch Building (165 West Monarch Drive, Bountiful).  It is best if you can attend both evenings.  Specific focus on conducting hymns.

  • Friday-Saturday, March 21st-22nd 7:30 PM Interfaith Lamb of God Concert
    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    We would like to invite you to a special presentation of The Lamb of God concert, featuring the Davis Interfaith Choir and Symphony, which includes members of our stake.                                    
    Our stake has had the privilege of participating in the preparations for this inspiring event, and we look forward to sharing it with you.
    Join us on March 21st and 22nd at 7:30 PM in the Tabernacle on Temple Square as we reflect on the life, love, and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Through powerful music and messages, this concert will be a meaningful opportunity to worship and remember Him together.
    No tickets are required—we welcome all to attend. We hope you will join us for this sacred and uplifting experience.
    Warm regards,President Gardner, President Cowley, President Moulton
    See flier.

  • Sunday, March 23rd 5:00 PM Stake Fireside with John Bytheway. All youth and adult members invited.  See flier.

  • Wednesday, March 26th 10:00 AM - Ward Temple Day

  • Friday, March 28th 7:00 PM - Ward Temple Day

  • Thursday, April 17th 10:15 - Great Utah Shakeout, an annual, statewide earthquake drill held in Utah, designed to encourage residents to practice earthquake safety and emergency preparedness, with the core message being "Drop, Cover, and Hold On". 

  • Monday, April 21st-Saturday, April 26th – Our building will be getting new carpet.  We need to stay out of the building.  No meetings or activities to be scheduled in the Stake Center this week.

  • Monday, July 7th-Thursday, July 10th - Ward YW Camp.  Get ready for a Great Time!! Mark your calendars for Ward YW Camp.  Camp will be July7-July 10 at Camp Atoka near Huntsville.  We hope all YW can attend!!

Youth Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 16th 6:00 PM Worldwide Relief Society Devotional.  Young Women turning 18 this year are invited to gather with the Relief Society at the Stake Center to watch together.  Refreshments and a gift will follow the devotional.  See flier.

  • Saturday, March  22nd 8:00-11:00 PM  Regional Dance at the NSL Annex Building,ages 14-18.  See flier.

  • Sunday, March 23rd 5:00 PM Stake Youth Fireside with John Bytheway, General Young Men Advisory Council Member.  Sunday dress.  Youth, parents, and youth leaders invited to attend.  See flier.

  • Monday, April 21st-Saturday, April 26th – Our building will be getting new carpet.  We need to stay out of the building.  No meetings or activities to be scheduled in the Stake Center this week.

  • Monday, July 7-Thursday, July 10 Ward YW Camp.  Get ready for a Great Time!! Mark your calendars for Ward YW Camp.  Camp will be July7-July 10 at Camp Atoka near Huntsville.  We hope all YW can attend!!

General Information

  • There is a new ward website with meeting schedules and announcements at

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Stake Recommend Interviews -The Stake Presidency is available every Wednesday (except the 3rd Wednesday) at the Stake Center from 6:30-7:30 PM so you can either finish getting your temple recommend in-person by just showing up, or you can make an appointment at:

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. 

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Sacrament Meeting programs can be found on the Orchard 7th Ward blog

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for January here. 

  • Temple and Family History Newsletter for January here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Single Adult Gathering Place

Gathering Place for Single Adults age 25(ish)-35(ish) is taking place every Thursday night at the Bountiful Orchard Stake Center.  Classes begin at 7PM and dinner is served each week at 8PM.  Come gather and meet new people and be spiritually and physically fed.  The address is 3599 S. Orchard Drive.  Invite your friends and come join us.  There are currently about 75-80 attending each week.  We look forward to seeing you!  See flier and Facebook page.


    • The Church of Jesus Christ web homepage includes a link to various libraries containing information about the Church along with the documents such as the Scriptures, General Conference talks, Media and Music libraries, and a topic called Life Help.

      The Life Help library includes the following topics:  Abuse; Addiction; Adoption; Child Nutrition; Death, Grieving and Loss; Disabilities; Divorce; Education; Employment; Family and Relationships; Finances; Media Safety; Mental and Emotional help; Parenting; Physical Health; Pornography; Preparedness; Pregnant and Single; Prison Ministry; Same-Sex Attraction; Self-Reliance Services; Single Parent Families; Suicide; and Transgender.


MARCH 9, 2025


MARCH 9, 2025

PRESIDING: President Chad Gardner


MUSIC: Emily Horne & John Daines

OPENING HYMN: My Shepherd Will Supply My Need 1014


Ward and Stake Business

SACRAMENT HYMN: He Died! The Great Redeemer Died 192


SPEAKER: Bishop Ed Pugsley

REST HYMN: God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand 78

SPEAKER: President Chad Gardner

CLOSING HYMN: I Will Walk with Jesus 1004

BENEDICTION: Debbie Bramall

Announcements March 9, 2025

 New Hymns

I Will Walk with Jesus

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 9th 2:30 PM Stake Primary Temple and Family History Brownie Sundae Bash at the Stake Center for all Activity Days aged Primary kids and their parents!  Bring electronic devices and plan to stay for an hour.  See flier.

  • Saturday, March 15th 9:00 AM Feed Utah Food Drive.  The youth will pick up donations left on porches.  Flyers will be distributed in the week proceeding.

  • Sunday, March 16th 6:00 PM Worldwide Relief Society Devotional.  Women turning 18 this year and older are invited to gather at the Stake Center to watch together.  Refreshments and a gift will follow the devotional.  See flier.

  • Friday-Saturday, March 21st-22nd 7:30 PM Interfaith Lamb of God Concert
    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    We would like to invite you to a special presentation of The Lamb of God concert, featuring the Davis Interfaith Choir and Symphony, which includes members of our stake.                                    
    Our stake has had the privilege of participating in the preparations for this inspiring event, and we look forward to sharing it with you.
    Join us on March 21st and 22nd at 7:30 PM in the Tabernacle on Temple Square as we reflect on the life, love, and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Through powerful music and messages, this concert will be a meaningful opportunity to worship and remember Him together.
    No tickets are required—we welcome all to attend. We hope you will join us for this sacred and uplifting experience.
    Warm regards,President Gardner, President Cowley, President Moulton
    See flier.

  • Sunday, March 23rd 5:00 PM Stake Fireside with John Bytheway. All youth and adult members invited.  See flier.

  • Wednesday, March 26 10:00 AM - Ward Temple Day

  • Friday, March 28 7:00 PM - Ward Temple Day

  • Monday, July 7-Thursday, July 10 - Ward YW Camp.  Get ready for a Great Time!! Mark your calendars for Ward YW Camp.  Camp will be July7-July 10 at Camp Atoka near Huntsville.  We hope all YW can attend!!

Primary Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, March 9th 2:30 PM Stake Primary Temple and Family History Brownie Sundae Bash at the Stake Center for all Activity Days aged Primary kids and their parents!  Bring electronic devices and plan to stay for an hour.  See flier.

Youth Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, March 15th 9:00 AM Feed Utah Food Drive.  The youth will pick up donations left on porches.  Flyers will be distributed in the week proceeding.

  • Sunday, March 16th 6:00 PM Worldwide Relief Society Devotional.  Young Women turning 18 this year are invited to gather with the Relief Society at the Stake Center to watch together.  Refreshments and a gift will follow the devotional.  See flier.

  • Saturday, March  22nd 8:00-11:00 PM  Regional Dance at the NSL Annex Building,ages 14-18.  See flier.

  • Sunday, March 23rd 5:00 PM Stake Youth Fireside with John Bytheway, General Young Men Advisory Council Member.  Sunday dress.  Youth, parents, and youth leaders invited to attend.  See flier.

  • Monday, July 7-Thursday, July 10 Ward YW Camp.  Get ready for a Great Time!! Mark your calendars for Ward YW Camp.  Camp will be July7-July 10 at Camp Atoka near Huntsville.  We hope all YW can attend!!

General Information

  • There is a new ward website with meeting schedules and announcements at

  • Temple Recommend Interview Appointments - Contact Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Stake Recommend Interviews -The Stake Presidency is available every Wednesday (except the 3rd Wednesday) at the Stake Center from 6:30-7:30 PM so you can either finish getting your temple recommend in-person by just showing up, or you can make an appointment at:

  • A link to the sacrament meeting broadcast is available, upon request, for those who need it. Please contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency, Relief Society Presidency, or Bishopric for access to the link. 

  • To be set apart for a calling - Please stop by the bishop's office after church or schedule an appointment with Bart Hamblin (801-655-3523)

  • Sacrament Meeting programs can be found on the Orchard 7th Ward blog

  • Ward Missionary Newsletter for January here. 

  • Temple and Family History Newsletter for January here.

  • You can now schedule group appointments for all ordinances at the Bountiful Temple on the church website.  See flier for more information.

  • Single Adult Gathering Place

Gathering Place for Single Adults age 25(ish)-35(ish) is taking place every Thursday night at the Bountiful Orchard Stake Center.  Classes begin at 7PM and dinner is served each week at 8PM.  Come gather and meet new people and be spiritually and physically fed.  The address is 3599 S. Orchard Drive.  Invite your friends and come join us.  There are currently about 75-80 attending each week.  We look forward to seeing you!  See flier and Facebook page.


The Church of Jesus Christ web homepage includes a link to various libraries containing information about the Church along with the documents such as the Scriptures, General Conference talks, Media and Music libraries, and a topic called Life Help.

The Life Help library includes the following topics:  Abuse; Addiction; Adoption; Child Nutrition; Death, Grieving and Loss; Disabilities; Divorce; Education; Employment; Family and Relationships; Finances; Media Safety; Mental and Emotional help; Parenting; Physical Health; Pornography; Preparedness; Pregnant and Single; Prison Ministry; Same-Sex Attraction; Self-Reliance Services; Single Parent Families; Suicide; and Transgender.