Charity Donation Drives - Details

Charity Donation Drives

As a neighborhood, we have an opportunity to serve others by donating food, clothing, and supplies to local charities that have particular need this year.   If you have questions about these charitable initiatives, please reach out to Cari Moss (801-915-1120).

Many families in our community have been affected by the pandemic.  There are many more family needing assistance this year than in years past.  Please consider this as a way to serve others this season. Thank you for your help and generous donations.

Additional Note:
In addition to the other donation drives we're doing this next week we have some families in need in our ward. In lieu of donating specific items to our fellow ward members, please consider a monetary donation to our ward’s "Sub for Santa".

You can do so by dropping off check or cash to Bishop Webster's home. Checks can be made out to the Orchard Seventh Ward.  Contact Bishop Webster if you have any questions - (801-678-2967)

Safe Harbor Women’s Center – Nov. 29th – Dec. 14th 

Sub for Santa donation items need to be new, unwrapped, and dropped off on Cari Moss’s front porch (3218 S. 200 W.) anytime through Dec. 14th.  The Moms and kids at the center get to “shop” in the donated items to give gifts to each other.  They also wrap the gifts themselves.  In previous years, there has been a sign-up sheet for specific items that are needed.  This year, please just look at the list and donate what you can.  Contact Cari Moss if you have questions (801-915-1120)

List of needed items for the Safe Harbor Women’s Center:  CLICK HERE

Road Home Homeless Shelter – Nov. 29th – Dec. 14th

Drop off donations at Cari Moss’s front porch (3218 S. 200 W.) any time through Dec. 14th.

Our cities’ homeless people are in need of warm clothes, hats, gloves, boots, coats, blankets, sleeping bags, etc.  These items can be used so clean out your closets and storage!  Men, women, and children of all sizes.  Even if a person is lucky enough to be in the homeless shelter, they are required to leave the shelter during the daytime hours into the cold!  Think of what you would need if you were living outside during these cold winter months!

Bountiful Food Pantry – Nov. 29th – Dec. 12th

There are four black collection containers placed throughout the neighborhood.

• Webster home – 3435 S. 200 W.

• Lemon home – 428 W. 3300 S.

• Parker home – 352 W. 3200 S.

• Bonner home – 523 W. Applewood Drive

Please place donations of non-perishable boxed, canned, contained items (basically anything your family likes to eat) in these containers. They would appreciate cat food and dog food as well. The pantry will also take food that is expired within two years so take the opportunity to clean out or rotate your food storage! Each night the containers will be unloaded and items stored inside, until all donations are picked up and delivered to the Food Pantry on Dec. 12th.

Davis County Animal Shelter – Nov. 29th – Dec. 14th

Bonnie Kelsey is gathering items for the Animal Shelter again this year.  Anything that will help a dog get up off the cold cement is wonderful…old blankets, seat cushions, towels, food, toys, cat litter, beds, bowls, etc.  Your donations are so much appreciated! You can drop donations off at Bonnie Kelsey’s front porch (3274 S. 300 W.) or she would be happy to come pick them up from you!  Contact Bonnie at 385-299-8368.