Neighborhood Charity Donation Drives

As a neighborhood we have an opportunity to serve others by donating food, clothing, and supplies to local charities that have particular need this year.

Many families in our community have been affected by the pandemic. There are more families that need assistance this year than in years past.  Please consider this as a way to serve others this season.

Click here for more details!

Bountiful Food Pantry

 Drop non-perishable food in one of four black collection containers placed throughout the neighborhood.
  • Webster home – 3435 S. 200 W.
  • Lemon home – 428 W. 3300 S.
  • Parker home – 352 W. 3200 S.
  • Bonner home – 523 W. Applewood Drive

Safe Harbor Women’s Center

 List of needed items for the Safe Harbor Women’s Center Sub-for-Santa: CLICK HERE
Items can be dropped off at Cari Moss's porch (3218 S. 200 W.)

Road Home Shelter

 Need new or used winter clothing. Think of what you would need if you were living outside during these cold winter months!  Items can be dropped off at Cari Moss's porch (3218 S. 200 W.)

Davis County Animal Shelter

 Anything that will help a dog get up off the cold cement is wonderful…old blankets, seat cushions, towels, food, toys, cat litter, beds, bowls, etc. Items can be dropped off to Bonnie Kelsey's porch (274 S. 300 W.)

Bishops Message 11-29-2020

Dear Ward Family,

We're excited to have such great activities being planned which will take place throughout the month of December. I discuss this a bit in this week's video:

Some details are still being solidified, so if you don't see what you need under the "Christmas" tab, check back in a day or two.

  • A few words about the new website- Communication is key when it comes to connecting individually, but certainly with a group as large and technologically diverse as our ward. Face-to-face connection is most meaningful; with this not being an option for many, if not most, of our members the need for a centralized point of contact is crucial for ensuring accurate, consistent and reliable information to be accessed. With this in mind, our new site will house Zoom links, sacrament meeting link, Sunday bulletin, announcements, etc

Beginning today, the donation drives benefitting the Bountiful Food Pantry, Safe Harbor Shelter, Road Home, and Davis County Animal Shelter are all underway. Food donations can be dropped off at the Lemon (3300 South), Parker (3200 South), Bonner (Applewood), and Webster (200 West) homes. Details for the other clothing/item donations will soon be listed at our website; you can also contact Cari Moss for specifics.

A big thank you to Brother Day, the Ward Council, and Neil & Cari Moss for making these events happen!

Looking forward to connecting with each of you at some point throughout this month's activities as we remember the birth and mission of our Savior Jesus Christ.


Bishop Dan

Primary Program

 Primary Program 2020 Part 1

Primary Program 2020 Part 2

Bishops Message 11-1-2020

 Dear Ward Family,

I'm pleased to bring you another one of my videos. You'll find it here

More importantly, I'm very happy to bring you the first installment of our virtual Primary Program! It was so great to be able to see some of our primary children speak and sing truths taught in the Book of Mormon. Here's the video...enjoy!

Tithing Settlement continues; your next opportunity is this Wednesday. Sign ups can be found here.

Finally, beginning November 8th due to the recent spikes in COVID-19 cases, our Area Presidency has asked to limit our weekly attendance to less than 99. To help stay within this guidance, we'll begin the following alternating attendance schedule based on the first letter of your last name, effective November 8th, as follows: 

Nov 8 | A-L

Nov 15 | M-Z

Nov 22 | A-L

Nov 29 | M-Z

If you desire to come on a week not "assigned" to your half of the alphabet, we will not turn you away. We are simply striving to adhere to the guidance given by our leaders. Thank you for your desires to do likewise and to worship with us.

All of the instructions regarding adjustments made to our meeting schedules, and links to engage with and participate in all our meetings, will soon be compiled into a central landing place. This site will be made available very soon...more to come!

Brothers & sisters, thank you for the love and sustaining efforts which you all show as you strive to keep His two great commandments; to love God and love our neighbor. May the Lord bless us and our communities as we do so.


Bishop Dan