Sacrament Program 03-28-2021
We are blessed to have our Stake leaders joining us this Sunday as part of our Ward Conference. In addition to Bishop Webster speaking, President Farnes will be addressing us during Sacrament meeting. As usual, this link is
To participate in the 2nd hour meetings, held virtually at 11 am, please click on the following hyperlinks which correspond to you. Pay close attention, as the Young Women's link is new:
Elder's Quorum -
88401176470?pwd= R3NpbHppSmdqajF1RVhPcnB0Nk1Qdz 09 Young Women - Priesthood -
95419850676?pwd= R3QyVTFjbU5VTmN0WXJwTnRLNmFIQT 09
Dear Primary Children and Families!
YW Activities ~ March 2021
Activities for YW Turning 12-14 in 2021 Area of Growth YW in Charge
Painting how you feel the Holy Ghost Spiritual, Intellectual McKinley Ulmer
Youth Music Festival (YouTube) Spiritual, Intellectual Korie Brown
Sewing face masks Intellectual Bridget Moulton
Activities for YW Turning 15-18 in 2021 Area of Growth YW in Charge
Missionary letter writing Spiritual, Service Ayla Hamblin/
Torey Mortensen
Youth Music Festival (YouTube) Spiritual, Intellectual TBA
Passover Dinner Spiritual Brooklyn Ulmer/
Marcie Mortensen
Activities will be held at the church at 7 p.m. on Thursdays. MASKS ARE REQUIRED.
When possible, we will include ways for Young Women to attend virtually.
In addition, the Young Women have been asked to participate in our Neighborhood
Food Drive on Saturday, March 20 at 9 a.m. Please meet at the church with a mask;
we will pick up food from doorsteps and deliver it to the foodbank.
Please also SAVE THE DATE for Young Women Camp: July 29-30. Details will be
announced in early summer and will comply with then-current Covid-19 guidelines and
The Stake Presidency has asked every youth to register at, a website
where volunteer needs are posted. Registration at this website enables us to see
opportunities to serve and plan future Young Women activities.
Learn to make a 3-month and 1 year plan
(Sponsored by Bountiful City)
Presented by Becky Goodrich
Copy and paste Zoom Link to join:
Happy Birthday!!!
Mary Lou Olsen (2rd)
Susan McQueen (3rd)
Kelly Nelson (8th)
Sabrina Koehler (9th)
Faye Wade (10th)
Emily Hayford (11th)
Dagmar Mudrow (12th)
Laraine Gordon (13th)
Mary Smart (15th)
Kelly Lemon (15th)
Judy Olsen (16th)
Tipper Nelson (17th)
Carol Ann Arnspiger (18)
Marilyn Salisbury (26th)
Karen Hamblin (26th)
Laura Lewis (31st)
This months lesson schedule:
March 14: Alli Parker, “By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power with God” by Sister Eubank
March 28: Sarah Dennis, “God Will Do Something Unimaginable” by Elder Uchtdorf