Sacrament Program 03-28-2021



Sacrament Meeting

March 28, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................8   "Awake and Arise"

Invocation...........Amy Hamblin

Stake and Ward Business

1st Speaker.............Sara Barnett

2nd Speaker............Calvin Barnett

Last Speaker............Julia Sim

Closing Hymn.................27   "Praise to the Man"

Benediction...........Jorge Dennis


Sacrament Hymn.......................194  "There is a Green Hill Far Away"

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Ward Conference - Second Hour

We are blessed to have our Stake leaders joining us this Sunday as part of our Ward Conference. In addition to Bishop Webster speaking, President Farnes will be addressing us during Sacrament meeting.  As usual, this link is 

To participate in the 2nd hour meetings, held virtually at 11 am, please click on the following hyperlinks which correspond to you. Pay close attention, as the Young Women's link is new:

Elder's Quorum

Young Women -

Aaronic Priesthood


Ward Conference Program 03-21-2021



Conference Program

March 21, 2021

Presiding.............President Farnes

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Song............Krsiti Nelson (Piano) & Kimberly Day (Cello) "Our Savior's Love

Invocation...........Chelsea Chadwick

Stake and Ward Business

1st Speaker...........Bishop Dan Webster

Final Speaker..........President Farnes

Closing Hymn.................252   "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"

Benediction...........Lyle Gordon


Sacrament Hymn.......................169  "As Now We Take the Sacrament"

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

Primary Virtual Singing Time- March: "When He Comes Again"

 Dear Primary Children and Families!  

Here is the next virtual singing time video!  I hope it will be helpful for you as it correlates with the Come Follow Me lesson from Mar. 8-14. Each family should have received, or will be receiving, a paper for your children to color and follow along with for this song.  

Here are a few links that may also be helpful.  

The song-
Come Follow Me Lesson-

With Love,
-Sis. Laura Webster 


Sacrament Program 03-14-2021



Sacrament Meeting

March 14, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................12   "Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky"

Invocation...........Sarah Moulton

Stake and Ward Business

1st Speaker..........Alex Pope - Recently Returned Missionary

2nd Speaker..........Lavona Lewis - Stake RS President (Springwood Ward)

Closing Hymn.................28   "Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah"

Benediction...........Darron Cundick


Sacrament Hymn.......................178  "O Lord of Hosts"

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood

YW Activities ~ March 2021




Activities for YW Turning 12-14 in 2021      Area of Growth                  YW in Charge


Painting how you feel the Holy Ghost         Spiritual, Intellectual          McKinley Ulmer


Youth Music Festival (YouTube)                 Spiritual, Intellectual           Korie Brown


Sewing face masks                                     Intellectual                         Bridget Moulton





Activities for YW Turning 15-18 in 2021     Area of Growth                 YW in Charge


Missionary letter writing                             Spiritual, Service              Ayla Hamblin/

                                                                                                            Torey Mortensen


Youth Music Festival (YouTube)                Spiritual, Intellectual         TBA


Passover Dinner                                        Spiritual                            Brooklyn Ulmer/

                                                                                                            Marcie Mortensen



Activities will be held at the church at 7 p.m. on Thursdays. MASKS ARE REQUIRED

When possible, we will include ways for Young Women to attend virtually.



In addition, the Young Women have been asked to participate in our Neighborhood 

Food Drive on Saturday, March 20 at 9 a.m. Please meet at the church with a mask; 

we will pick up food from doorsteps and deliver it to the foodbank.



Please also SAVE THE DATE for Young Women Camp: July 29-30. Details will be 

announced in early summer and will comply with then-current Covid-19 guidelines and 



The Stake Presidency has asked every youth to register at, a website 

where volunteer needs are posted. Registration at this website enables us to see 

opportunities to serve and plan future Young Women activities.


Food Preparedness Flyer

Learn to make a 3-month and 1 year plan 

(Sponsored by Bountiful City)

Presented by Becky Goodrich

Copy and paste Zoom Link to join:

All teachers are invited to participate in 

"Teaching the Saviors Way - Using Zoom"

                                             Sunday March 7th at 3pm

OR use the information below
Meeting ID: 810 1025 1696
Passcode: 629289


Sacrament Program 03-07-2021



Sacrament Meeting

March 7, 2021

Presiding.............Bishop Dan Webster

Conducting .........Bishop Dan Webster

Organist..........Julia Sim

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn.................1   "The Morning Breaks"

Invocation...........Racheal Alexander

Stake and Ward Business

Testimonies.......... Everyone is invited

Closing Hymn.................10   "Come, Sing to the Lord"

Benediction...........Jared Kump


Sacrament Hymn.......................192  "He Died! The Great Redeemer Died"

Administration of the Sacrament.....Aaronic Priesthood


Happy Birthday!!!

Mary Lou Olsen (2rd)

Susan McQueen (3rd)

Kelly Nelson (8th)

Sabrina Koehler (9th)

Faye Wade (10th)

Emily Hayford (11th)

Dagmar Mudrow (12th)

Laraine Gordon (13th)

Mary Smart (15th)

Kelly Lemon (15th)

Judy Olsen (16th)

Tipper Nelson (17th)

Carol Ann Arnspiger (18)

Marilyn Salisbury (26th)

Karen Hamblin (26th)

Laura Lewis (31st)

The Relief Society is celebrating its 179th birthday this month Dr. Seuss style!

Tuesday, March 16

6:30-7:15 Sock drop and treat pickup in the church parking lot

7:30-8:00 Zoom meetup for Relief Society BINGO (with prizes) and visiting

The Zoom activity will use our regular Sunday Relief Society 

Bring new socks to donate!

Meeting ID: 889 6821 9441

This months lesson schedule:


March 14:  Alli Parker, “By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power with God” by Sister Eubank


March 28:  Sarah Dennis, “God Will Do Something Unimaginable” by Elder Uchtdorf

Looking ahead!