Sacrament Meeting
May 23, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Sacrament Meeting
May 16, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Primary - Return to 2nd Hour
Hello Friends,
We are very excited to be returning to in person classes with primary! We begin this Sunday, May 16. Sacrament will be at 9:00 am. We are keeping the same schedule as before for the second hour. Junior primary will meet first in the primary room and then go to their class. Senior primary will meet in their classroom and then go to the primary room. We will make necessary adjustments to the schedule after we experience it this Sunday.
We will have class lists posted on the classroom door. We are still in process of calling teachers so some kids will have substitutes until we are able to complete the process. You are able to see class lists and teachers online at the churches website.
This is not so good news so please be gentle with me. Nursery will not be returning immediately. We have been asked to do a 2 step return. First step, return primary children to classes. Step 2, return nursery within a month. We are working out logistics to make this happen as soon as possible. We understand how difficult this will be as parents.
Safety measures we are taking:
1. Masks should be worn
2. CDC has changed the distance from 6 feet to 3 feet. We will arrange chairs accordingly.
3. We have a kit for each classroom with tissues, hand sanitizer and disinfecting spray.
Please contact Kelly Kump at 801.960.7184 if you have any questions or concerns. We will see you on Sunday!
Kelly Kump
Chelsea Chadwick
Amy Pugsley
Lindsay Jensen
There will now be only ONE Virtual Sunday School Class that can be
accessed by clicking HERE
or by clicking the link in the right hand Column
The Virtual Adult Sunday School class will be retired after Sunday June 20th's lesson.
After June 20th In-person Sunday School Class will be broadcast (but not taught) via Zoom until the In-Person classes grow big enough to split, at which time broadcasts will be retired.
Adult Sunday School will be taught in the Chapel
All Youth classes will now be taught in Person. Youth that are unable to attend In-person classes can contact their teachers and arrange to have lessons broadcast to them.
Classes and locations are as follows:
11-13 - Sister Bartchi/Sister Hayford - Multi-Purpose Room
14-15 - Brother and Sister Koldewyn - Relief Society Room
17-18 - Brother Mudrow/Brother Johnson - High Council Room
Sacrament Meeting
May 9, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Stake and Ward Business
Stake Youth Summer Activity:
For those of you with youth ages 14-18, I hope by now you
have heard about the Summer activity sponsored by the Stake. They have named it
“Magnify” and will be held within the general area of our Stake to include
North Canyon Park.
Here are the details; some will be new, others may be
familiar…and there will be more to come!
- Sunday May 23; 7:00
pm: Magnify Kick-Off Event
- Parents and youth
- Magnify Event July
8, 9, 10 (Thursday-Saturday) 9am-7pm each day
Parents, please respond by May 9th to let me know if your
child age 14-18 will be able to attend the July event.
Graduating High School Seniors:
At the end of the last school year our ward and neighborhood
came together and graciously provided lovely graduation gift baskets for our
graduating seniors. I’d like to do this again this year. Our graduates are as
- Hannah Kossin
- Daniel Lish
- Nikki
- Jayden
- Jagger West
If you’d like to participate, please drop off your gift to
my home (3435 S 200 W) no later than Monday May 24th.
Orchard Stake General Priesthood Meeting:
Brethren, please put this on your calendar… June 6th at 3:15 pm. More information will be provided as it gets closer.
Young Women Activities ~ May
Date | Activities for YW turning 12-14 in 2021 | Area of focus | YW in charge | Adult assisting |
May 6 | Scripture charades | Sp | Bridget Moulton | Karla |
May 13 | Walkabout to visit the elderly | Ph, So | Teylor Andersen/Phebe Ruedter | Karla |
May 20 | Hiking/nature photography | Ph, In | Teylor Andersen | Melanie |
May 27 | Temple walk (combined with older class) | Sp, Ph | Brooklyn Ulmer | Amy |
Date | Activities for YW turning 15-18 in 2021 | Area of focus | YW in charge | Adult assisting |
May 6 | Mother's Day | So | Ayla Hamblin | Amy |
May 13 | Gardening | Sp | TBA | Kylee |
May 20 | Adopt a grandparent | So, Service | Cate Gunnerson | Sara |
May 27 | Temple walk (combined with younger class) | Sp, Ph | Brooklyn Ulmer | Amy |
Sacrament Program 05-2-2021